CDC-recommended health precautions are definitely helpful and necessary; however, they aren’t foolproof protections against COVID-19. While that sounds like scary news, the CDC does state that most cases can be worked through in the comfort of our own homes.
If you’ve followed the proper health-safety precautions and you still have come down with a case of the coronavirus, don’t panic! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga is here to guide you to feeling healthier.
How Serious Is Getting COVID-19?
For most, the symptoms are manageable. However, it’s extremely important to take the virus seriously, as symptoms vary case by case and many people may experience life-altering symptoms down the road.
The World Health Organization does state, though, that most people who get COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate respiratory issues but can fully recover at home without requiring special treatment.
Ways to Reduce COVID-19 Risk
- Avoid large gatherings.
- Wear a double-lined cloth mask over your mouth and nose in public.
- Stay socially distant from those who aren’t in your immediate household.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
If I Do Get Sick, What Should I Do Next?
If your symptoms are relatively mild, you don’t need to do anything drastic to make a full recovery from COVID-19. The CDC suggests staying home when you’re sick and drinking plenty of water in addition to the list below to start your path toward recovery.
You should be worried, however, if you experience serious symptoms like severe shortness of breath, low blood pressure, or new and intense confusion. If you or a loved one do happen to experience serious symptoms, don’t hesitate to call 911.
Simple Ways to Recover From the Coronavirus
- Get lots of sleep.
- Take over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen, when needed.
- If you’re at home, stay in a separate room and away from others in your household as much as possible.
- If it’s doable, use a separate bathroom in your home.
- Stay away from the comfort foods and add healthy fruits and veggies to your meals.
- Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
Above all, AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga wants you to feel well this year! Visit us if you have any general health concerns.