Staying Safe During Summer Activities

June 1, 2016

Staying Safe During Summer Activities- AFC Urgent Care

School is finally out, your kids are running around outside playing, and the heat is upon us. Although summer is an excellent time in the health of your child, due to the increased physical activity that great weather and empty days provide, it still is important to keep safety in mind. So, what things should you and your child keep in mind while they try to score the winning goal in their neighborhood soccer game? Summer safety is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Here are three ways to stay safe outdoors this summer: 1) Hydration It’s easy to get so involved in the games that are being played that you forget to take a minute, breathe, and make sure that you drink the water you require. When playing outdoor games, encourage your children to take regular water breaks and rest periods to sit in the shade and recover. 2) Sunscreen Although we don’t tend to take it seriously enough, sun and skin damage are important issues. Before your children head out the door for a nice day outside, make sure to have them apply the proper amount of sunscreen. 3) Common Sense One of the wonderful parts of childhood is the games that are created during summer. Whether your kids are playing tag, football, or an imaginary game of their creation, make sure that they know the basic rules of outdoor safety, such as looking both ways before crossing the street, watching out for holes and ledges on the ground, and avoiding overly aggressive behavior.

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