Every day in America, countless accidents happen, injuries occur and people all around the nation are in need of urgent care. When you’re in pain, there shouldn’t be a delay in your care. Unfortunately, this is simply not often the case. Emergency rooms, which were designed for those in life-threatening situations, have become full of patients who don’t have severe emergencies, putting a strain on the physicians who administer care. This is why, when you need fast care for a non life-threatening situation, you should choose an urgent care center. A few advantages of urgent care include: 1) Short Lines With AFC Urgent Care / Family Care, you can get in and out of an appointment with a real physician in no time at all. Not only are our lines typically shorter than that of an ER, but the care remains at the highest level. 2) Beautiful Facilities With AFC Urgent Care / Family Care, we put the highest emphasis possible on our facilities. Because we are a group of small to mid-sized facilities, we can spend time maintaining the building and patient care rooms, creating an incredible experience for our patients. 3) Expert Care Gone are the days of urgent care being a less reliable solution. In fact, we almost always have a licensed physician in the building, and we will go out of our way to ensure that all of your medical needs are met. Want to learn more about the benefits of urgent care? Visit AFC today!