What Are Some Good Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays?

November 15, 2023

With all of our favorite holidays right around the corner, you may be consumed with the tasks of shopping, decorating and making plans to see family and friends. While you are busy looking forward to all of the fun that is to be had soon and the memories to be made, illnesses are lurking right out of sight that could appear and derail all of your plans.

Common illnesses like colds, the flu and strep throat are much more prevalent at this time of year. You could also get really sick from an unsuspecting foodborne illness!

Our AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga team is here to offer some reliable tips and tricks for staying healthy no matter what this season brings your way.

Can I Avoid Getting an Infection Right Before a Party?

We certainly encourage you to try! While it is not a guarantee that you can avoid coming into contact with different illnesses, you can support your body to help you stay healthy. Getting rundown, feeling stressed and not getting enough sleep can make you more vulnerable to contracting all kinds of infections.

You should always prioritize wellness, but especially if you have an event coming up that you don’t want to miss! Eat healthy, wash your hands often, exercise regularly and get more sleep. An average of seven to nine hours a night is what your body needs in order to bolster your immune system against these different illnesses.

Staying Healthy as the Holidays Approach

  • Bundle up when it is cold outside.
  • Get your flu vaccine.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Wear your seatbelt while traveling.

How Do Foodborne Illnesses Happen?

Whether you are the resident cookie baker for your family or you have the secret ingredient for the creamiest mashed potatoes, the risk of introducing a foodborne illness into your food is always a possibility. Wash your hands before getting started, keep your work surface clean at all times and serve your food immediately when it is done.

Bacteria can start to grow on perishable food in as little as two hours of it sitting out, so encourage everyone to eat right away and then promptly store leftovers. If you aren’t sure how long something has been sitting out, it is always best to err on the side out caution and just toss it to be safe.

Cooking Safety Tips

  • Use designated cutting boards for raw meat and produce.
  • Wash hands before handling food.
  • Don’t cook for others when you aren’t feeling well.
  • Understand specific allergies or dietary restrictions for those attending your party.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season! Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Chattanooga if you aren’t feeling well.

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