Do You Need an Antibiotic for an Ear Infection?

April 30, 2021

What was that? What did you say? While having difficulty hearing could mean a number of things, one thing that could be the culprit is an ear infection. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to learn the main causes of an ear infection, as well as ways to prevent one now and in the future. What Will Help to Clear Up an Ear Infection? Did you know? More than 80% of ear ...

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How Can You Get Healthy Skin?

April 28, 2021

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, you might think of exercising and eating a healthy diet. But it's important to also consider taking care of your skin! During Healthy Skin Month, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to share some tips on keeping your skin in top shape. How Can You Protect Your Skin From the Sun? Although you might think that sunscreen is only useful during the summer months ...

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How Can I Take Care of My Skin This Summer?

April 28, 2021

Who doesn't want to have some fun in the sun this summer? We all do! But it's important to also take steps to protect your skin. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to have fun while also playing it safe when it comes to summer skin care! What Is Skin Cancer? Skin cancer occurs when your skin produces abnormal cells, which are usually the result of exposure to the sun ...

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How Can I Prevent a Common Cold?

April 27, 2021

It's beginning to look a lot like common cold season! Therefore, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to learn how to take action to protect yourself from colds, as well as learn treatment methods in case you do fall ill. How Long Does a Cold Last? Although a person can be contagious for five to seven days, the average length of a common cold is around three days. However, you might ...

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How Can I Get My Family to Eat Healthier?

April 27, 2021

Healthy eating is a habit best practiced as a family. You need loved ones around you who are also doing their best to make healthy choices about the foods they eat. That's why our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to learn how you can help your family eat healthier this summer. What Changes Should I Make to My Family's Diet? Whether you have a picky eater and/or your family ...

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Is It a Cold or a Sinus Infection?

April 27, 2021

Are the sniffles coming out to play this December? Just say no! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to know how you can tell the difference between a cold and a sinus infection so that you can get treated and back on your way to enjoying all the festivities of the holiday season! What Is a Sinus Infection? A sinus infection occurs when there has been inflammation and/or swelling within the ...

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How Can I Cure the Flu Fast?

April 27, 2021

Halloween might be just around the corner, but do you know what can seem scarier than Halloween? The flu virus coming back to our town. Unfortunately, up to 20% of Americans will be diagnosed with the flu this year, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to offer some insight into the condition. How Contagious Is the Flu? It's very contagious! While you might think the flu virus is only ...

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When Should I visit Urgent Care for My Cough?

January 4, 2021

" A few indicators should inform you about the severity of your cough. One of the most common signs that give you the green light to go for urgent care is cough frequency and persistence. If your cough does not seem to go away despite the home remedial measures, then you should visit the doctor. Apart from that, other signs hint at a visit to urgent care. When Should You Visit Urgent Care? Once the coughing ...

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Influenza Facts to Keep Your Household Safe

November 17, 2020

" Influenza is the most common illness that humans encounter worldwide. While it seems harmless, it is responsible for killing thousands of people around the world. Countries with accessible and advanced health care facilities don’t have to worry about influenza treatments, but underdeveloped countries have it the worst when treating this disease. Following is the list of influenza facts that can help you keep your household safe: 1.     Cover your face while coughing and sneezing ...

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Holiday Travel Safety Guidelines

November 17, 2020

" Traveling requires you to abide by all safety and precautionary measures. It makes sense too. Traveling to another state or country might expose you and your family to potential health factor risks. Living in the new age of the coronavirus, the last thing you would want to do is get sick on a trip you intended to have a lot of fun on. Therefore, you must take some extra measures and follow holiday travel safety ...

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