What Can I Do to Help Prevent a Stroke?

May 5, 2020

" Did you know? Around 795,000 people living in the United States suffer a stroke each year. While there are three main types of strokes, ischemic strokes make up 87% of the strokes that occur every year. During American Stroke Awareness Month this May, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to know what you can do to help reduce your risk of stroke during your lifetime. How Can You Prevent a Stroke ...

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Is Coughing a Sign of Seasonal Allergies?

May 1, 2020

" The weather is warming up and the sun is shining more, so we naturally want to go outside—at least in the backyard. But with the advent of spring also comes the advent of spring allergies. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to offer some insight about seasonal allergies, including symptoms and how to prevent them. Read on as we take a look. What Are Some Signs of Seasonal Allergies ...

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How Do You Cope with Stress?

April 15, 2020

" Is the stress starting to get to you? You are not alone—as none of us have been prepared for something like this, we can feel very out of control. Yet there is one important thing we can control, which is our reaction to stress. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to know how you can both manage stress and boost your immune system! Read on as we offer some insight. What ...

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How Do Our Eating Habits Affect Our Mood?

March 2, 2020

" The saying, “You are what you eat,” isn’t quite accurate, but it is true that what we eat plays a huge role in determining how we feel. Our eating habits help us get to—and stay in—optimal health, both physically and mentally. During National Nutrition Month this March, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to offer you some insight into how your eating habits affect your mood specifically. How Does Food ...

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How Dangerous Is High Blood Pressure?

February 19, 2020

" The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that around 75 million people living in the United States have high blood pressure. In continuation of educating community members on ways to protect their heart health during American Heart Month, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to offer you tips on how you can lower your blood pressure, which can help to reduce your risk of heart disease. What Happens to Your Body When ...

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When Should I Go to Urgent Care with the Flu?

February 5, 2020

" The flu virus is rapidly moving towards its peak in the season, which typically occurs around mid-winter. If you have not yet received your annual flu shot, you may be vulnerable to developing symptoms. While certain strains and symptoms of the virus can be treated at home with rest and over-the-counter medication, you should visit your local urgent care center as soon as possible to receive care from a physician for more serious cases.  What ...

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What Can I Do to Lower My Risk of Heart Disease?

February 3, 2020

" February is American Heart Month, designed to raise awareness about the leading cause of death among Americans. Did you know that one in four American deaths is the result of heart disease? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to know how you can use diet and exercise to help reduce your risk of heart disease. Read on as we explore the topic. What Is a Heart-Healthy Diet? There are many steps we ...

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Why Is Practicing Self-Care So Important?

January 27, 2020

" Do you often put others’ needs first rather than your own? There is nothing wrong with that—it makes you an amazing person wanting to care for the needs of others. However, you also need to make sure you are making time for yourself. Regularly carving out time for self-care and healthy lifestyle habits can help ensure you remain at your physical and mental best. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to offer ...

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What Can I Do to Prevent Irritable Bowel Syndrome Attacks?

January 6, 2020

" Do you have tummy trouble? Is it hit or miss? It could be that you are suffering from a digestive problem that many Americans face—irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to know the first signs of IBS, as well as what you can do to prevent IBS flare-ups from occurring more often than not. What Are the First Signs of Irritable Bowel Syndrome? There ...

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Do You Need an Antibiotic for an Ear Infection?

December 15, 2019

" What was that? What did you say? While having difficulty hearing could mean a number of things, one thing that could be the culprit is an ear infection. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to learn the main causes of an ear infection, as well as ways to prevent one now and in the future. What Will Help to Clear Up an Ear Infection? Did you know? More than 80% of ear ...

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