Preventing Kitchen Injuries During Thanksgiving

November 23, 2019

" Thanksgiving is a time for quality time with your friends and family, giving thanks for the good and bad times of the year past and looking forward to the times ahead. However, there is always a chance for injury on Thanksgiving between the hours that go into preparing the meal to accidents that occur when carving the turkey, prime rib or ham. Especially if this is your first year taking on carving duties, nerves or ...

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What’s the Difference Between a Cold & the Flu?

November 20, 2019

" Your body requires some time to adjust as the seasons change, leaving you vulnerable to encountering viruses and other illnesses common in colder weather. The cold and flu are two of the most common diseases and are both highly contagious, quickly making their way through enclosed locations like your office, school or home. While some of their symptoms may overlap, knowing the key differences between the viruses can be critical to getting the right treatment ...

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What Is the Normal Cholesterol Level?

November 15, 2019

" According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 35 million Americans living with high cholesterol. Are you one of them? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to learn the symptoms of high cholesterol, as well as things you can do to help lower your levels. What Is a Healthy Cholesterol Level? When it comes to your total cholesterol, you want to aim for a reading less than ...

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How Can You Get Healthy Skin?

November 1, 2019

" When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, you might think of exercising and eating a healthy diet. But it’s important to also consider taking care of your skin! During Healthy Skin Month, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to share some tips on keeping your skin in top shape. How Can You Protect Your Skin From the Sun? Although you might think that sunscreen is only useful during the summer months ...

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Why Bus Drivers Should Undergo DOT Physicals

October 31, 2019

" In major metropolitan areas such as Philadelphia, public transportation is a critical part of peoples’ everyday lives. They use the bus and train to get to school, to work, to daycare to pick up their children. As a bus driver, you will be required to undergo periodic DOT physicals to maintain your certification. These physicals are designed to check areas of your health that the Department of Transportation deems critical to their standards. Depending on ...

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When to Visit Urgent Care with Flu Symptoms

October 30, 2019

" The flu season is extremely common, with nearly 3 million cases reported each year between the early fall all the way through late spring. Your body is more vulnerable to the virus as it adjusts to dropping temperatures and changing seasons. Symptoms range from mild to more severe, which may require treatment and examination by a professional. Knowing when you need to visit your local urgent care is critical to preventing further medical issues.  Symptoms ...

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How Can I Cure the Flu Fast?

October 1, 2019

" Halloween might be just around the corner, but do you know what can seem scarier than Halloween? The flu virus coming back to our town. Unfortunately, up to 20% of Americans will be diagnosed with the flu this year, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to offer some insight into the condition. How Contagious Is the Flu? It’s very contagious! While you might think the flu virus is only ...

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Why Now is the Best Time to Get a Flu Shot

September 25, 2019

" Flu season starts at the start of fall and lasts through most of the spring, leaving patients in Cheltenham and the greater Philadelphia area vulnerable to catching the virus. Luckily, the influenza virus is easily preventable by getting the flu shot, available at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham! There are many benefits to getting your flu shot earlier in the season. An earlier vaccination gives your body time to learn how to fight the virus Like ...

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The Importance of Regular STD Testing

September 25, 2019

" In addition to undergoing an annual checkup to go over your overall health, it is important to make sure you have your sexual health checked by a physician through STD testing. Many sexually transmitted diseases and infections can exist within your body for long periods of time without exhibiting physical symptoms and can only be detected through testing. Many of these infections can be treated with medication when caught early. By undergoing STD tests as ...

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How Can I Prevent a Common Cold?

September 15, 2019

" It’s beginning to look a lot like common cold season! Therefore, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to learn how to take action to protect yourself from colds, as well as learn treatment methods in case you do fall ill. How Long Does a Cold Last? Although a person can be contagious for five to seven days, the average length of a common cold is around three days. However, you might ...

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