How Dangerous Is High Blood Pressure?

February 19, 2020

" The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that around 75 million people living in the United States have high blood pressure. In continuation of educating community members on ways to protect their heart health during American Heart Month, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants to offer you tips on how you can lower your blood pressure, which can help to reduce your risk of heart disease. What Happens to Your Body When ...

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When Should I Go to Urgent Care with the Flu?

February 5, 2020

" The flu virus is rapidly moving towards its peak in the season, which typically occurs around mid-winter. If you have not yet received your annual flu shot, you may be vulnerable to developing symptoms. While certain strains and symptoms of the virus can be treated at home with rest and over-the-counter medication, you should visit your local urgent care center as soon as possible to receive care from a physician for more serious cases.  What ...

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What Can I Do to Lower My Risk of Heart Disease?

February 3, 2020

" February is American Heart Month, designed to raise awareness about the leading cause of death among Americans. Did you know that one in four American deaths is the result of heart disease? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to know how you can use diet and exercise to help reduce your risk of heart disease. Read on as we explore the topic. What Is a Heart-Healthy Diet? There are many steps we ...

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