How Can I Get My Family to Eat Healthier?

April 27, 2021

Healthy eating is a habit best practiced as a family. You need loved ones around you who are also doing their best to make healthy choices about the foods they eat.

That's why our team at AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham wants you to learn how you can help your family eat healthier this summer.

What Changes Should I Make to My Family's Diet?

Whether you have a picky eater and/or your family is used to eating out all the time, it is important to make changes slowly.

If you try to make a wholesale change, you're less likely to stick with the eating habits, so choose one or two habits to begin with and then add more over time.

Tips for Healthy Eating

  • Add more fruits and vegetables into your diet.
  • Eat more fish, which are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Cut down on saturated fat and added sugars.
  • Consume less sodium.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Do not skip breakfast.
  • Avoid sugary beverages, including sweet tea, sodas and juice.

How Else Can I Make My Family Healthier?

While healthy eating is an important component of overall health, it's not the only one. So why not accompany your family's healthy eating habits with a few other good habits?

Healthy Habits for Families

  • Limit screen time.
  • Be more active as a family.
  • Maintain consistent bedtimes and wake times.
  • Socialize with loved ones.
  • Have regular family dinners.
  • Don’t smoke—or expose your kids to secondhand smoke.

Are you ready to start getting healthy as a family? Visit the AFC Urgent Care Cheltenham team today for a complete checkup.

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