How To Prevent and Treat Lyme Disease

May 13, 2024

As the warmer weather arrives, so does the risk of tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected deer tick. While Lyme disease can be a serious condition if left untreated, there are steps you can take to prevent it and treatments available if you suspect you’ve been infected. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to ...

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Can Seasonal Allergies Make You Feel Dizzy?

May 13, 2024

As spring blooms and pollen fills the air, seasonal allergy sufferers prepare themselves for the familiar onset of sneezing, itching, and congestion. However, what many people may not realize is that allergies can also affect the balance systems in the inner ear, leading to symptoms such as dizziness and vertigo. In this blog, we’ll explore the connection between seasonal allergies and dizziness, as well as steps you can take to find relief. For same-day ...

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