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Cutting Calories

June 2, 2016

So often in America, we are all focused on the next diet craze and the overnight way to achieve the perfect body, even if we are focused on it for all the wrong reasons. However, some elements of that pursuit, when done for the right reasons, are very advantageous in their own right. One of these practices is cutting calories. Although we tend to think of calories as part of a diet, and counting calories ...

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How to Get Your Children to Be Healthy

May 16, 2016

So often, we focus on getting healthy only after a problem arises. When we become overweight, we quickly go on a diet and try to resolve the issue. When we learn we have diabetes, we make sure to take the proper steps to counteract it. When we sprain an ankle, we tape it up and rest. However, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of medicine. The best way to fix your health issues ...

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How to Exercise Efficiently

May 2, 2016

If you’re anything like most Americans, you constantly are planning on working out, but never quite find the time in your day to actually exercise properly. So often dreams of weight loss and six packs are replaced with the reality of working late at the office and putting your kids to bed at a proper time. So, how exactly can you get the exercise in your routine that you’ve been craving while making ...

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