The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

February 14, 2024

7 Benefits of Dark Chocolate Chocolate comes wrapped in appealing shiny wrappers that just draw you to it and then it melts in your mouth bringing waves of joy as it melts and washes over your tongue. Chocolate has been bringing delight to humanity since the times of the Maya and Aztec peoples and over one billion people enjoy it each day. But do you know the benefits that come with indulging in dark chocolate ...

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What Causes Kidney Stones?

February 10, 2024

What Causes Kidney Stones? Did you know that even babies can get kidney stones? While kidney stones mostly affect adults the truth is that they can affect anyone at any age. One thing that those who have experienced kidney stones can tell you is that they are not fun! We at AFC Dalton are here to answer your questions about this unpleasant ailment. What Are Kidney Stones? Kidney stones are hard deposits made up of ...

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