Is It the Stomach Bug or the Norovirus?

April 27, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | Apr 28, 2024 | Walk In Clinic Is It the Stomach Bug or the Norovirus? After a long day at work, you arrive at your child’s daycare only to be greeted with unsettling news: several children and a staff member are sick, and norovirus is suspected. You’re handed an informational sheet and urged to step up handwashing routines for your family. With a family picnic just days away, you can’t ...

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Are Babies Affected by Seasonal Allergies?

April 13, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | Apr 14, 2024 | Family Health Are Babies Affected by Seasonal Allergies Ah, springtime—the city is awash in fresh colors holding the promise of much summer fun! As you are working your way through the annual springtime sprint reacquainting your children with what’s new at all the local parks, you have noticed that the baby is more congested and fussier than normal. Is it just a coincidence? You aren’t sure ...

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