Is It Dangerous to Get Salmonella While Pregnant?

January 27, 2024

Is It Dangerous to Get Salmonella While Pregnant?

As an expectant mother, prioritizing a healthy pregnancy is key. Dalton offers a range of options to enhance your health and wellness throughout this special time, from workout classes to nutritious food choices. For fitness enthusiasts, The Studio is a resource offering exercises such as yoga and Pilates, exercises that have been recommended for pregnant women. Check first with your OB/GYN to discuss how to exercise safely during your pregnancy. And if you are cutting down on caffeine, Monarch Nutrition has an array of low-caffeine drink options to keep you energized. The list of options goes on for mothers-to-be focusing on a healthy lifestyle.

Beyond just positive health practices, it’s also important to guard against illnesses and infections that could complicate your pregnancy. Among these is the risk of salmonella, a widespread and potentially severe illness that commonly gets transmitted by eating contaminated food. If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know that contracting it while pregnant sounds like a living nightmare. But instead of worrying – just practice a few simple methods to significantly reduce the risk of salmonella. Read more to learn how to recognize symptoms and the most effective preventative measures to ensure a safe pregnancy.

How to Prevent Salmonella While Pregnant

Simple preventive measures can significantly lower your risk of salmonella infection:

  1. Ensure Kitchen Hygiene: Prevent cross-contamination by maintaining a clean cooking space and thoroughly washing all fruits and vegetables before consumption.
  2. Cook Foods Properly: Ensure all foods are fully cooked; avoid consuming raw or undercooked items like sushi with raw fish, raw shellfish, and eggs that are not fully set.
  3. Choose Pasteurized Products: Do not consume dairy products that contain raw milk. Read labels to ensure pasteurization, especially with soft cheeses, yogurt, and juice.
  4. Wash Kitchen Rags: Regularly wash kitchen towels, rags, and sponges to stop the spread of bacteria.
  5. Be Cautious with Animals: Since animals, particularly birds, farm animals, and reptiles, can be salmonella carriers, wash your hands after any contact and avoid interaction with animal waste.

Common Symptoms of Salmonella

It can be confusing while you’re pregnant to know if you have food poisoning because symptoms like nausea and fatigue are often pregnancy side effects as well. Consult with your OB/GYN if you notice a change in your pregnancy experience and suspect food poisoning. Be watchful for the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Feeling tired
  • Fever (fevers higher than 102 are severe and require medical attention)

If your symptoms worsen or last more than 6 days seek immediate medical attention. Dehydration with an inability to stay hydrated is also a reason to seek treatment.

What Will Happen if I Get Salmonella?

In most cases, expecting mothers will recover normally and the baby will remain unaffected. However, there is a slight risk of passing serious health issues to the fetus and creating pregnancy complications. Salmonella infections have been known to cause preterm delivery, affect fetal development, and in some cases cause miscarriage. Health conditions such as meningitis and sepsis could also develop in the fetus and have long-term health effects on the child. Contracting salmonella is not a reason to panic as these cases are rare, but it is best to practice preventative measures and seek medical advice.

Stay Healthy During Your Pregnancy

Contact your OB/GYN with any concerns about your pregnancy. Should you have concerns about a possible salmonella infection while expecting, remain calm and talk with a healthcare professional to receive the necessary treatment. Following simple preventive measures can alleviate anxiety and safeguard the health of both you and your baby.

If you have questions or concerns, visit AFC Urgent Care Dalton today.

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