10 Springtime Sports Injuries

May 13, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | May 13, 2024 | Family Health Springtime Sports Injuries Ah, the arrival of spring signals the perfect time to dust off that sports gear and embrace the great outdoors! Whether you’re grabbing a racket, lacing up your sneakers, or gearing up for some wheels-on action, the excitement is palpable. But amid all the thrill, one thing nobody wants is to spend the sunny days nursing an injury on the sidelines. Let’s ...

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Is It the Stomach Bug or the Norovirus?

April 27, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | Apr 28, 2024 | Walk In Clinic Is It the Stomach Bug or the Norovirus? After a long day at work, you arrive at your child’s daycare only to be greeted with unsettling news: several children and a staff member are sick, and norovirus is suspected. You’re handed an informational sheet and urged to step up handwashing routines for your family. With a family picnic just days away, you can’t ...

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Are Babies Affected by Seasonal Allergies?

April 13, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | Apr 14, 2024 | Family Health Are Babies Affected by Seasonal Allergies Ah, springtime—the city is awash in fresh colors holding the promise of much summer fun! As you are working your way through the annual springtime sprint reacquainting your children with what’s new at all the local parks, you have noticed that the baby is more congested and fussier than normal. Is it just a coincidence? You aren’t sure ...

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Do I Have Heartburn or GERD?

March 27, 2024

How Do I Know If I Have Heartburn or GERD? Have you noticed an uncomfortable feeling lately after eating at some of your favorite spots? Maybe you feel bloated after eating. Or, after your last night out on the town, which included your favorite barbeque joint and drinks with friends, you began to experience a slightly uncomfortable warmth in your esophagus leaving you wondering what is going on. If you are experiencing a burning sensation ...

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Do I Have Allergies or a Sinus Infection?

March 9, 2024

Do I Have Allergies or a Sinus Infection? As the northern hemisphere steadily inches toward spring many of us are excited to welcome the warmer weather, find our favorite exercise hoody, and get back to our favorite outdoor activities. An ideal way to get moving and work toward more rigorous activity is by exploring local walking trails while enjoying the beautiful spring flowers and bright new leaves. Sadly, the beauty of spring is sprinkled with ...

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The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

February 14, 2024

7 Benefits of Dark Chocolate Chocolate comes wrapped in appealing shiny wrappers that just draw you to it and then it melts in your mouth bringing waves of joy as it melts and washes over your tongue. Chocolate has been bringing delight to humanity since the times of the Maya and Aztec peoples and over one billion people enjoy it each day. But do you know the benefits that come with indulging in dark chocolate ...

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What Causes Kidney Stones?

February 10, 2024

What Causes Kidney Stones? Did you know that even babies can get kidney stones? While kidney stones mostly affect adults the truth is that they can affect anyone at any age. One thing that those who have experienced kidney stones can tell you is that they are not fun! We at AFC Dalton are here to answer your questions about this unpleasant ailment. What Are Kidney Stones? Kidney stones are hard deposits made up of ...

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Is It Dangerous to Get Salmonella While Pregnant?

January 27, 2024

Is It Dangerous to Get Salmonella While Pregnant? As an expectant mother, prioritizing a healthy pregnancy is key. Dalton offers a range of options to enhance your health and wellness throughout this special time, from workout classes to nutritious food choices. For fitness enthusiasts, The Studio is a resource offering exercises such as yoga and Pilates, exercises that have been recommended for pregnant women. Check first with your OB/GYN to discuss how to exercise ...

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Why Do My Lungs Feel on Fire?

January 23, 2024

Why Do My Lungs Feel Like They’re on Fire? A burning sensation in your lungs can be a frightening experience, especially if it’s accompanied by difficulty breathing or coughing. While a brisk workout on a cold day can sometimes be the issue, this burning could also be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition like bronchitis. What Causes the Burning Sensation in Lungs? Our lungs are delicate organs responsible for the vital ...

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How to Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder by Boosting Vitamin D

December 28, 2023

How to Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder by Boosting Vitamin D Why do people experience higher levels of sadness when the days get shorter and colder? It’s easy to shrug it off as a coincidence, but there’s a scientific reason why this happens. Sunlight provides us with a natural source of Vitamin D, which our bodies need to maintain health. Getting outside is easy when the weather is nice, but it can be a ...

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