Is Being Bitten By a Tick Dangerous?

July 2, 2023

We are grateful for the many different benefits of the summer season, but not for the increase in bugs and insects. Any time you spend time outside running around in the grass or in the woods on a hike, it is important that you check yourself for ticks afterward. Ticks are at their peak from spring to early fall, so recognizing them and removing them from your clothes should always be your first priority after ...

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Do Kids Sunburn More Easily Than Adults?

May 16, 2023

School will be out soon, and that means much more time spent outdoors with your kids! We are sure you are looking forward to all of the fun activities and memories that your family will make, but do your best to respect the sun. Don’t let a significant sunburn put a damper on your summer plans! Children tend to burn more easily than adults do because their skin is thinner and more sensitive. Our ...

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What Is a Fever?

December 14, 2022

If you are sick, chances are that you are experiencing a variety of different symptoms that keep you laying low and resting for a few days. One of these symptoms could be a fever! Fevers are your body’s natural fight against infection and are actually working to help you overcome whatever illness you are suffering from. Read on as the AFC Urgent Care Dalton team shares the details below. How Does a Fever Fight ...

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Will I Know if My Baby Has RSV?

November 1, 2022

As the weather cools down, there is a lot to be excited about! The holidays are right around the corner and that means quality time with family and friends. That also means that the cold and flu season is ramping up, too. One illness that you need to be careful about is respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. This virus is especially dangerous to your infant or small child, and it can even be deadly in ...

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Can I Take Antibiotics While on Another Medication?

October 15, 2022

The development of antibiotics is one of the world’s greatest discoveries! They are an incredible advancement in modern medicine and have greatly reduced our risk of serious illness or death when suffering from a bacterial infection. Taking a round of antibiotics is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to start feeling better quickly, but it is important to be careful about their use. If you are also currently taking another prescription, you ...

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