How Can I Make Healthier Choices During the Holidays?

November 15, 2023

We all love the holiday season, but sometimes it doesn’t love us. We spend so much time celebrating holiday traditions, seeing friends and family and enjoying reconnecting with loved ones, which is great! But that also can lead to an increase in food and drink consumption and less movement throughout the next few months.

All of that can combine to make you feel sluggish or rundown, which can impact your physical health and also increase your risk of getting sick.

Our AFC Urgent Care Dalton team wants you to enjoy the holiday season to the fullest without overdoing it, so we explain some easy ways to make healthier choices below.

How Can I Exercise More?

We know that this time of year is one of the busiest periods, especially for parents or caregivers. Shopping for presents, wrapping it all up, making food and lists and shuttling everyone off to seasonal events can be exhausting! It can be hard to find time to exercise every day, and that can start to negatively impact your physical health.

Try to find small opportunities for movement while you are busy running around. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park in the back of the parking lot instead of the front or walk from store to store instead of driving to each location. Even small pockets of exercise can help you stay on track with your health goals.

Staying Healthy Over the Holidays

  • Bundle up when it is cold outside.
  • Move your body every day.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Wash your hands.

How Can I Make Healthier Food Choices?

Whether your mother-in-law is the resident cookie master or your uncle makes the best turkey you have ever tasted, it is guaranteed that you are going to be exposed to a lot of delicious food over the next few months. We want you to enjoy all of the treats and yummy food in moderation!

Grab a smaller plate or choose a plate with those portioned ridges, and take a small amount of what you want. Limit your sugar and alcohol intake and be sure to keep hydrated with water. When you are all finished eating, suggest a family walk to help find some easy movement in your day.

Additional Healthy Food Choices

  • Choose white meat over the dark meat.
  • Load up your plate with veggies or fruit.
  • Eat slowly to let your stomach catch up.
  • Stop when you feel full.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season! Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Dalton if you aren’t feeling well.

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