Is It COVID-19 or the Flu?

October 1, 2023

It seems like the summer season went by so fast! School is well underway and now it is time to turn our attention to the holiday season and unfortunately, cold and flu season.

This time of year is great for many reasons, but the increase in seasonal illnesses is not one of them. Nowadays, we have to be on the lookout for colds, influenza, strep throat and even COVID-19.

If you wake up with a sore throat or a fever this season, AFC Urgent Care Dalton is here to help! Read on to learn more about the different illnesses that are circulating this season.

Are Strep Throat, the Flu and COVID-19 All Infections?

They sure are! Strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection, while COVID-19 and influenza are caused by two different viruses. Transmission is similar for all three, where you could get infected yourself by being coughed or sneezed on by an infected person or by touching an infected surface and then touching your face or mouth.

Even though they are different illnesses, your body will still launch a similar immune response in the beginning. A fever can spike, a headache and sore throat can appear, and body aches are common for all three illnesses. This is why it is important to get tested so you know what you are dealing with!

Rapid Tests We Can Perform at AFC

  • COVID-19
  • Influenza
  • Strep throat

Can AFC Treat My Infection?

Our rapid tests are reliable enough that you will know what you are sick from in as little as 15 minutes. If we determine that you are suffering from strep throat, chances are that we will prescribe you some antibiotics to help you overcome the infection.

COVID-19 and influenza are a bit trickier since they are viral infections and cannot be treated by antibiotics. There are some antiviral drug treatments for both infections that can help reduce your symptom severity, and we can discuss those with you as well. In the meantime, isolation, rest and hydration will give your body what it needs to feel better faster.

Common Symptoms for Both COVID-19 and the Flu

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose
  • Fever

Need help determining what is making you sick? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Dalton for a rapid test.

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