What Does Smoking Do to the Body?

August 1, 2023

Giving up any habit is hard, but it is especially hard if it is an addictive habit like smoking. Smoking greatly increases your risk of serious diseases and long-term health complications. You are exposing your body to thousands of chemicals with each inhale you take.

Quitting smoking will directly impact your life in a positive way, and it will actually impact your loved ones’ lives as well.

Our AFC Urgent Care Dalton team explains more about tobacco and its impact on your body, so read on to learn more.

What Does Tobacco Do to Your Body?

Nicotine is highly addictive and is found in cigarettes, cigars and now even in vaping methods. Nicotine triggers the release of dopamine in your brain, which instantly will put you in a better mood and make you feel relaxed. That’s because dopamine is the hormone responsible for your reward center! This quick fix of dopamine is what triggers your intense cravings later when the feeling has worn off.

In addition to the negative effects of just being addicted to a substance, it will impact your health over time as well. The chemicals in cigarettes will prematurely wrinkle your skin, turn your teeth and skin yellow and you can even hard to lose your hair. If that’s not bad enough, lung cancer and other deadly diseases are more likely to impact you as you get older.

Diseases Associated With Cigarette Smoking

  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Emphysema

How Does Quitting Impact My Family?

Secondhand smoke has a huge impact on your family, no matter if you only smoke outdoors and don’t do it in the house. Secondhand smoke also contains the thousands of chemicals that cigarettes contain, so your children and spouse are breathing it in through the air, your clothes and your hair whenever you light up.

Your family members are also at a heightened risk of health complications, even if they aren’t smokers themselves. Asthma, respiratory issues and even the same above diseases are possible for your loved ones. Do everyone a favor and support a healthier home by quitting the habit for good.

Tips to Start the Quitting Process

  • Find your reason why.
  • Research different medication options.
  • Consider counseling.
  • Surround yourself with positive support.

We are always here for you. Stop by AFC Urgent Care Dalton any day of the week.

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