Will AFC Dalton Be Able to Test for and Treat STDs?

July 15, 2023

We are so looking forward to caring for you all in just a few short weeks. In addition to being here to diagnose and treat injuries and common illnesses like the flu or strep throat, we will also be able to test for a variety of STDs.

Your sexual health is part of your overall health, and we are proud to be able to serve our community in this way. Not only is STD testing important when you are experiencing symptoms, but it is also necessary to routinely test for them to ensure your health for the long-term.

Our AFC Urgent Care Dalton team explains more about how our STD testing process will work and how we can help you feel better, so read on to learn more.

Why Do STDs Sometimes Spread Quickly?

Some STD symptoms appear right away after exposure and will cause some obvious symptoms. Those symptoms typically indicate that something is amiss and a doctor’s visit is quickly scheduled. While that is helpful, that is not always the case. Some STDs can be present without producing symptoms, so you could be walking around with one for weeks without knowing it. You could spread it to your partner and it could quickly spread through a population without anyone being much the wiser.

If you are sexually active, routine testing is crucial for your health, but also for the health of your partner. We will have a variety of rapid tests at our disposal that will be able to diagnose your STD in as little as 30 minutes.

Common Symptoms Associated With Many STDs

  • Burning with urination
  • Abnormal discharge
  • Pain during or after intercourse
  • Itching or general discomfort

What Are the Most Common STDs AFC Tests For?

There are more than 20 different kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, and they can all present with different symptoms from person to person. That’s another reason why they can be so tricky at times! Some of the common STDs that we see on a regular basis include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HPV.

If you come see us for a routine STD test, we will get a quick health history and then run our rapid tests. Based on your history and if you have any symptoms, we will get a blood draw, urine sample or swab and run it through our lab. If any tests come back positive, we will be able to prescribe the right treatment that will have you feeling good as new in a few days.

Tips for Maintaining Your Sexual Health

  • Test frequently/before a new relationship, even if you have no symptoms.
  • Get vaccinated against hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV.
  • Communicate any diagnoses with partner.
  • Always wear a condom.

We are looking forward to serving you at AFC Urgent Care Dalton.

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