Diagnosing & Treating Ticks and Lyme Disease

June 16, 2021

This time of year deer ticks are a common occurrence, here in New England deer ticks are especially a threat. Most tick bites don’t expose people to Lyme Disease, but deer ticks do. In fact, most deer ticks don’t even carry Lyme Disease but in this part of the country a very significant percentage of deer ticks do. How do you know if the tick you’ve been bitten by puts you at ...

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Diagnosing & Treating Allergies

June 16, 2021

This time of year, lots of people are dealing with allergies. It’s a high pollen season and allergies that typically end around this time may extend well into July this year. If you have any symptoms such as running nose, itchy or watery eyes you may be suffering from allergies. A lot of over the counter medications, such as Claritin and Benadryl, are very effective with fairly minimal side effects. If those don’t ...

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West Nile Virus Prevention Tips

June 14, 2021

This time of year at we see more mosquito borne illnesses that are particularly concerning. West Nile virus can cause a serious condition known as West Nile Encephalitis, which is an infection and inflammation of the brain. West Nile virus was originally detected in the West Nile region of Uganda around 1937, since that time it has spread to many parts of the world, including the United States. In 1999 the first case was detected ...

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