How Is A Sore Throat From COVID-19 Different From Strep Throat?

January 31, 2022

How Is A Sore Throat From COVID-19 Different From Strep Throat? AFC Urgent Care Dedham Treats Sore Throats And Tests For COVID-19

Is my sore throat from COVID-19 or from strep throat? What’s the difference? 

For starters, COVID-19 is a viral infection and like the flu, colds or other viral infections, these often are accompanied by respiratory symptoms. Strep throat is not like your common cold, flu or COVID-19. It’s actually caused by a bacterial infection to the throat and tonsils.

We get that it’s confusing, but don’t always assume it’s COVID-19. With cases rising, we’re seeing patients coming in with sore throats, but they’re not all COVID-19 cases. AFC Urgent Care Dedham wants to help you understand the different symptoms so you can take the next step if you have a sore throat and are wondering if it’s COVID-19 or strep throat you are suffering from.

Symptoms Of Strep Throat Versus COVID-19

Strep throat is highly contagious and is often spread by sneezing, coughing and sharing things with others. It mainly infects the throat and tonsils. A sore throat caused by strep is usually more severe as opposed to COVID-19, which is more often than not, mild. ( Not always! Remember this is a novel virus and symptoms DO vary case by case).

If you have a sore throat without respiratory symptoms and it feels painful, then chances are it might be strep throat. Look out for these symptoms:

  • Red sore throat, sometimes with white patches
  • Swollen Uvula
  • Gray furry tongue
  • It may hurt to swallow
  • You may feel swollen, tender glands in your neck

Again, if you also are having respiratory symptoms as well as a sore throat, then chances are it’s COVID-19. Watch out for these respiratory symptoms: 

  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Congestion
  • New loss of smell and/or taste

If it’s neither of these, then it could possibly be your common cold or the flu. You can learn more about the differences here.

How Do You Treat Strep Throat?


Since strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are needed to help kill the bacteria. We highly suggest taking your entire prescription. Even if you feel better, you don’t want to stop too soon because there still could be bacteria that can grow back and be more resistant. 

While you’re recouping you can try any of the following tips to help your sore throat feel better:

  • Drink warm liquids such as lemon tea or tea with honey.
  • Gargle several times a day with warm salt water (1/2 tsp of salt in 1 cup water).
  • Drink cold liquids or suck on popsicles.
  • Suck on hard candies or throat lozenges. Young children should not be given these products because they can choke on them.
  • A cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier can moisten and soothe a dry and painful throat.
  • Try over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen.

AFC Urgent Care Dedham Can Test You For Strep Throat

“With the resurgence of COVID-19, your best bet is to seek testing if you are feeling unwell. We strongly recommend COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, as well as the annual flu vaccine, as preventive measures to help reduce your risks of serious illness.” - Dr. Vincent Meoli, AFC Regional Medical Director 

At this time we’re seeing more and more patients coming in with sore throats. We offer both rapid molecular tests for COVID-19 and a rapid strep test. Getting tested is the first step to rule out the other winter illnesses out there. At the same time, if it turns out to be strep, we can prescribe you antibiotics so you can start treatment on the same day. 

We hope you feel better. AFC Urgent Care Dedham is always here for you 7 days a week, no appointment needed.


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