How to Stay Safe when Traveling for the Holidays

June 16, 2021

Don’t let yourself or your family become sick with COVID-19 this holiday season. The best way to stay safe is by maintaining social distancing while wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose. It is also helpful to get tested before and after traveling, to decrease the chance of spread. Knowing information on how the virus spread, and not traveling if you test positive are easy ways to keep others safe. Always listen to the governmental regulations for wherever you are traveling to. The CDC offers many recommendations for anyone traveling this holiday season, check them out here.

If you are flying home…

The airport can carry a lot of germs from bathrooms to door handles, to the baggage claim. Airports during COVID can bring on a whole other area of problems. It is important to always maintain social distancing when at the airport. Wearing a mask at all times, and avoiding close contact with others are also good ways to keep yourself safe. In addition to this, washing your hands before and after the security check can help keep you and others safe. TSA provides information on active cases in specific airports. Click here to see if the airports on your itinerary have been severely impacted.

If you are visiting your grandparents…

The holidays are some family’s only chance of visiting grandparents throughout the year. Keeping the elderly safe from COVID has been a focus since the beginning. Individuals in their 60s and 70s are at higher risk for contracting viruses, including the coronavirus, compared to those in their 50s. The best way to keep your loved ones safe is by avoiding close contact completely.

If you have a large family…

If you typically have large gatherings for the holidays, it is best to reevaluate your plans this year. The fewer people in enclosed spaces, the better. If you cannot avoid large gatherings, limiting your physical contact with others and wearing a mask at all times will help contain the spread. Additionally, you should not share any food or drinks with others, and try to use disposable plates and cutlery.

All other preventative measures…

Wearing a mask and social distancing has been major topics since March. These practices are more important now than ever, as people travel home to see their families and loved ones. General practices, other than wearing a mask and social distancing can include:

  • Getting tested after traveling, but before seeing any family members. AFC Urgent Care Dedham offers rapid test results in less than 15 minutes. Find out if your local AFC Urgent Care requires appointments.
  • Washing your hands as frequently as possible. The CDC provides information on how and when you should wash your hands, but it is best to try and wash them at least every 30 minutes.
  • If possible, try and stay outdoors, or in well-ventilated areas for the duration of your visit.
  • Avoid touching your face or mask, and avoid physical contact with others. It may be hard to not hug your loved ones this holiday season, but it is one way to keep those around you safe.
  • If you have tested positive for Covid-19 within the two week incubation period, think of the safety of your loved ones and stay home.

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