AFC Urgent Care Dedham: Promoting Sexual Health Awareness. Get Tested For STDs and STIs

April 1, 2024

In today's world, the prevalence of STDs and STIs remains a significant concern, often accompanied by misconceptions and societal taboos. Despite the technical differences between them, these infections can be transmitted through various forms of sexual contact, including vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse. Adding to the complexity, some infections may persist without symptoms for prolonged periods, heightening the risk of transmission.

In honor of April's STD and STI awareness month, AFC Urgent Care Dedham is committed to shedding light on these conditions and providing essential information. While we recognize the stigma and discomfort associated with STD/STI testing, your health remains our top priority. Neglecting treatment for an STD/STI can lead to severe long-term consequences, underscoring the importance of proactive testing.

Understanding STDs and STIs

A wide spectrum of conditions falls under the umbrella of STDs and STIs. Here are some common ones to be mindful of:

  • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): A treatable vaginal condition that increases the risk of contracting an STD.
  • Chlamydia: A prevalent yet treatable STD that, if left untreated, can impact fertility in women.
  • Gonorrhea: Another common STD that, when properly treated, can be managed; however, untreated cases may lead to serious health complications.
  • Syphilis: Left untreated, syphilis can cause severe health issues, although it is curable with appropriate treatment.
  • Herpes: Genital herpes, often asymptomatic, can be managed with medications to reduce outbreaks and transmission.
  • Hepatitis: Viral hepatitis, a leading cause of liver cancer, highlights the importance of vaccination and preventive measures.

Updated CDC Statistics on STDs/STIs

Recent data from the CDC highlights concerning trends:

  • Chlamydia: 1.7 million cases (up 5% from 2022)
  • Gonorrhea: 700,000 cases (up 3% from 2022)
  • Syphilis: 140,000 cases (up 4% from 2022)
  • Congenital Syphilis: 2,300 cases (up 7% from 2022)

Remember, STDs/STIs can manifest without symptoms, emphasizing the importance of prevention.

Consider these preventive measures:

  • Condom Use: Proper and consistent condom use significantly reduces transmission risk.
  • Abstinence: Avoiding sexual activity remains the most effective preventive measure.
  • Vaccination: Vaccines for hepatitis B and HPV offer safe and effective protection.
  • Partner Reduction: Limiting sexual partners decreases the risk of STD transmission.
  • Mutual Monogamy: Committing to exclusive sexual relationships minimizes exposure to STDs.

Confidential STD/STI Testing at AFC Urgent Care Dedham

AFC Urgent Care Dedham is fully committed to offering a comprehensive and confidential array of sexual health services and resources aimed at keeping you well-informed and protected. Empower yourself today by taking proactive steps to manage and prioritize your sexual health for a brighter and healthier future.

Operating seamlessly seven days a week, our clinic warmly welcomes walk-in patients while also providing the convenience of appointment scheduling via phone. AFC Urgent Care Dedham prioritizes accessibility and accepts most insurance plans, ensuring that high-quality healthcare remains affordable and accessible to all. Additionally, our user-friendly online payment system streamlines the check-in and check-out process, enhancing your overall experience.

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