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What's the Difference Between Urgent Care and Emergency Care?

July 28, 2015

Urgent care facilities are quickly becoming a larger and larger part of the U.S. health care landscape. Since 2008, the number of urgent care facilities has grown from 8,000 to over 9,300, with more than 20,000 family care physicians practicing urgent care medicine. As of 2011, the average urgent care center saw 342 patients per week, according to the Urgent Care Association of America. Yet, many people still head to emergency ...

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What's the Difference Between Urgent Care and Emergency Care?

July 28, 2015

Urgent care facilities are quickly becoming a larger and larger part of the U.S. health care landscape. Since 2008, the number of urgent care facilities has grown from 8,000 to over 9,300, with more than 20,000 family care physicians practicing urgent care medicine. As of 2011, the average urgent care center saw 342 patients per week, according to the Urgent Care Association of America. Yet, many people still head to emergency ...

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Dance Your Way to a Healthier You

July 17, 2015

Whether it’s a few steps around your living room or a line dance with friends, dancing can have immediate health benefits, as well as long-term effects for life. Dancing is a popular, doctor-recommended activity that offers cardiovascular exercise, social interaction and other health benefits to keep you moving! Although the benefits vary based on the type of dance routine you choose, dancing is still a great way to keep your body healthy.   Immediate Benefits ...

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If You Suspect an STD, Here's What to Do

July 15, 2015

If you suspect that you could have an STD, it's important to start the testing process as soon as possible. You definitely won't be alone, as 20 million new STD cases occur every year, stemming from the same eight kinds of viruses and bacteria. It may be your first time getting tested, in which case you're probably most concerned with finding easy, fast STD testing. But it's important to be thorough ...

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If You Suspect an STD, Here's What to Do

July 15, 2015

If you suspect that you could have an STD, it's important to start the testing process as soon as possible. You definitely won't be alone, as 20 million new STD cases occur every year, stemming from the same eight kinds of viruses and bacteria. It may be your first time getting tested, in which case you're probably most concerned with finding easy, fast STD testing. But it's important to be thorough ...

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The Importance of STD and STI Testing Procedures

April 20, 2015

Even though conversations about STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) have opened up quite a bit in recent years, allowing young adults to learn more about these common health problems, there’s often still a stigma attached to these health issues. And that issue is what causes many people to avoid getting tested for STDs and STIs, even when they know that they should. If you happen to be part of that ...

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Four Tips To Help Parents Stay Healthy, Even With Sick Children

March 20, 2015

As a parent, one of the most distressing things is to see your child suffering from an illness or injury -- and not be able to make it better. With the cold and flu season in full swing, and with this season's influenza virus being particularly strong, you've likely already dealt with a sick child (or you will soon). Parents are always asking their family health care providers how to help children get through ...

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Substituting Self-Prescribed Antibiotics for Professional Medical Treatment Is Often a Bad Choice -- Even When Traveling Abroad

February 24, 2015

Getting sick while on vacation is, without a doubt, one of the fastest ways that a great trip can be ruined. The problem is, it doesn't matter if you travel across just a few states or you travel halfway across the world; when you travel, your eating and sleeping habits naturally change for a while. This can really mess up some processes in your body -- digestion problems are one of the most common ailments ...

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Urgent Care Centers May Offer Free STD Testing

February 9, 2015

Young Americans aren't getting necessary STD and STI tests, a Jan. 23 Yahoo News article reports. According to the report, "Fewer than 40% of young, sexually active women are screened for chlamydia." What's more, one out of eight young males skip necessary STD tests because they believe they cannot afford them. As of yet, the vast majority of Americans do not realize that many low cost health clinics, 24 hour walk in clinics ...

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Children Continue Getting The Measles After Outbreak In Disneyland

January 30, 2015

It's been a turbulent couple of years for U.S. healthcare. It all began with swine flu. Then several young children tragically passed from Enterovirus D-68, and a handful of nurses and journalists in the U.S. have stirred up something of a panic by contracting Ebola. Now what many have feared for a few years is becoming a reality: The anti-vaccination movement has shifted from a personal choice to a series of decisions ...

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