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Signs and Symptoms of an STD to Check for

March 26, 2018

Sometimes there are things in life that you have to go through even if it's the last thing you want to do. If you've had the unfortunate displeasure of contracting a sexually transmitted disease then you're aware of the social stigma that comes with it. The main goal is to get treated as discretely as possible, and in some cases, that can be hard to accomplish. However, if you believe you might ...

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How To Get Tested For STDs As A Teenager

February 19, 2018

Sometimes being a teenager is pretty rough. There are all of the challenges of school, responsibilities of homework and getting good grades, and almost none of the freedoms of adulthood. It can also be hard to share certain things with your parent. If you are sexually active and had unprotected sex, you should get tested for sexually transmitted diseases as soon as possible. How To Get Tested Without Your Parents Finding Out Some parents are ...

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Men and Women's Healthcare and How To Access It

February 5, 2018

Women's health issues are becoming more talked about in the mainstream media, and rightfully so. Raising awareness for any health issues is important, but the focus on women's health issues has had some positive effects for everyone. After hours urgent care has become a popular alternative to crowded hospitals and busy primary care physicians for men and women alike. The usefulness of these alternative healthcare centers cannot be understated, and the demand for ...

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Men and Women's Healthcare and How To Access It

February 5, 2018

Women's health issues are becoming more talked about in the mainstream media, and rightfully so. Raising awareness for any health issues is important, but the focus on women's health issues has had some positive effects for everyone. After hours urgent care has become a popular alternative to crowded hospitals and busy primary care physicians for men and women alike. The usefulness of these alternative healthcare centers cannot be understated, and the demand for ...

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3 Strategies To Help The Elderly Fight Seasonal Depression

January 4, 2018

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rates of depression in elderly people can range from 3% to 13.5%. Many experts say that the winter months can often worsen depression, especially for senior citizens. In fact, one in five Americans is vulnerable to winter depression. But by taking advantage of some thoughtful strategies, you can take control of seasonal depression and make the most of every day. Here are just ...

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Stay Healthy This Winter By Avoiding These 3 Mistakes!

November 28, 2017

According to current data, the U.S. needs about 52,000 more primary care physicians by 2025 to meet our healthcare needs. And since cold and flu season is approaching with full force, it's important to know what to do -- and what not to do -- to keep sickness at bay. Here are just a few wintertime flu prevention mistakes to steer clear of this season. Staying Indoors All The Time It may seem logical ...

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3 Tips To Help You Choose An Insurance Provider For Family Care

October 26, 2017

It's no secret that many Americans are facing a state of declined physical health. In fact, thanks to the popularity of tanning and the slow depletion of the atmosphere’s protective ozone layer, skin cancer rates have more than tripled since 1975. When it comes to choosing insurance for family care, the process can certainly seem overwhelming. However, by taking the right steps, you can make sure every member of your family has the ...

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3 Tips To Help Your Child Stay Healthy This Back-To-School Season

September 25, 2017

The back-to-school season is undoubtedly bittersweet for many parents and children. The days of summer are over, and getting your child back into the learning mindset isn't always easy. However, one of the best things you can do for your child during the back-to-school season is to encourage healthy habits. According to current data, the U.S. needs about 52,000 more primary care physicians by 2025 to meet our healthcare needs and keeping ...

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Can You Go To Urgent Care For That? 3 Surprising Times You Can Skip The ER

August 14, 2017

All across the nation, residents have become increasingly reliant on emergency room care. That means that overcrowding and long wait times can be a huge issue. Between 2003 and 2009, the mean ER wait time increased from 46.5 minutes to 58.1 minutes. That often means that in true emergencies, patients aren't able to receive fast, effective treatments as they should. In addition, a trip to the ER can cost hundreds or even ...

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Understanding The Importance Of Primary Care Physician Reviews

July 20, 2017

In our increasingly technological world, patients are finding more and more ways to customize and optimize their medical care experiences. Primary care physician reviews are just one digital innovation that help gap the communication bridge between doctor and patient. Just like you can look at reviews for almost any product or service, you can now find reviews for almost every doctor online. Here are just a few ways patients can benefit from primary care physician ...

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