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Substituting Self-Prescribed Antibiotics for Professional Medical Treatment Is Often a Bad Choice -- Even When Traveling Abroad

February 24, 2015

Getting sick while on vacation is, without a doubt, one of the fastest ways that a great trip can be ruined. The problem is, it doesn't matter if you travel across just a few states or you travel halfway across the world; when you travel, your eating and sleeping habits naturally change for a while. This can really mess up some processes in your body -- digestion problems are one of the most common ailments ...

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Urgent Care Centers May Offer Free STD Testing

February 9, 2015

Young Americans aren't getting necessary STD and STI tests, a Jan. 23 Yahoo News article reports. According to the report, "Fewer than 40% of young, sexually active women are screened for chlamydia." What's more, one out of eight young males skip necessary STD tests because they believe they cannot afford them. As of yet, the vast majority of Americans do not realize that many low cost health clinics, 24 hour walk in clinics ...

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Children Continue Getting The Measles After Outbreak In Disneyland

January 30, 2015

It's been a turbulent couple of years for U.S. healthcare. It all began with swine flu. Then several young children tragically passed from Enterovirus D-68, and a handful of nurses and journalists in the U.S. have stirred up something of a panic by contracting Ebola. Now what many have feared for a few years is becoming a reality: The anti-vaccination movement has shifted from a personal choice to a series of decisions ...

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Urgent Care Centers Faster And More Convenient Than Emergency Rooms

November 19, 2014

Imagine what would happen if you were in a tragic car accident. Authorities would, no doubt, make certain that you were rushed to the hospital. The emergency room would do its very best to accommodate you, but -- this time -- the fact remains that there simply aren't enough rooms, there aren't enough beds, and there are too few doctors and nurses on staff to see you right away. It sounds like a nightmare, doesn ...

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Urgent Care Centers Gear Up For Ebola

October 21, 2014

It is, apparently, the time to be in the urgent care business. Just months ago, patients came in at a steady pace with sprains and minor injuries, requests for flu shots and occupational drug testing. There was perhaps the odd patient seeking low-cost and fast STD testing (or STD testing kits). Now, the 129,043 doctors, nurses, and administrative staff members working at urgent care centers and community health clinics across the U.S. easily ...

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Diligent Health Care Is More Important Than Ever

September 22, 2014

With things like enterovirus D68 and Ebola going around, family health care should be one of Americans' top concerns. Although sensationalist headlines and news reports are making the rounds, the majority of U.S. men and women still aren't getting the message: right now, it is especially important to be proactive about health. Less Than Half Of Americans Get Flu Shots Every year, 5 to 20% of Americans of all ages get sick with ...

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Emergency Rooms Are Killing Americans, And Not In The Ways You Think

August 20, 2014

Some emergency rooms may start charging at least partial fees prior to administering care, and healthcare professionals cannot agree whether the new fees are ethical -- or even necessary. Although the average emergency room bill can be as high as $1,500, patients may soon be expected to pay an additional $150. What explains these extra charges? Is It Fair To Ask Patients To Pay Upfront? A man passed away in a New York City hospital ...

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Can You Afford to Pay Even More At The Emergency Room?

July 22, 2014

Is the emergency room going to charge you even more, and just for showing up? Believe it or not, it can happen, and -- if you're not careful -- it probably will, too. Although the average ER bill costs well over a grand, hospitals all across the U.S. may start tacking on upfront charges (prior to even giving you any treatment or medication!) starting at $150. Why You May Be In For A Larger Bill ...

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Does Your Medical Issue Need to Be Treated By a Specialist?

June 19, 2014

Whenever a medical issue arises, your first impulse may be to call an ambulance or rush to an emergency room for treatment. However, if the medical problem you are having treated is not particularly serious, you may be wasting both time and money: the typical emergency department visit costs, on average, $1,500, and can often take several hours. Even worse, mild injuries and problems will overwhelm hospitals with patients, creating longer wait times for ...

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Should You Go to the ER?

June 3, 2014

When you have a medical problem requiring immediate care, your first impulse is likely to find a primary care physician. But when your doctor's office is closed, where do you turn? This confusion is quite common, and can actually have a negative affect on a community as a whole by filling up emergency rooms with relatively innocuous medical complaints. According to a study by the Center for Disease Control, or CDC, as many as ...

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