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Be Prepared to Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter

November 5, 2013

Winter storms and cold temperatures can be hazardous, but if you plan ahead, you can stay safe and healthy. Prepare your home and cars. Prepare for power outages and outdoor activity. Check on the elderly. Although winter comes as no surprise, many of us are not ready for its arrival. If you are prepared for the hazards of winter, you will be more likely to stay safe and healthy when temperatures start to fall. Many ...

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Few Parents Use Kids' Asthma Meds Correctly: Study

November 4, 2013

FRIDAY, Nov. 1 (HealthDay News) -- Most adults who help children take inhaled asthma medications don't know all of the steps involved for their proper use, new research finds. Using inhalers improperly often means a child receives too little medication, which can lead to continuing symptoms or worsening asthma, the study authors noted. "Of the 10 steps for accurate technique, we were surprised to learn that only one out of 169 caregivers knew all 10 ...

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Few Parents Use Kids' Asthma Meds Correctly: Study

November 4, 2013

FRIDAY, Nov. 1 (HealthDay News) -- Most adults who help children take inhaled asthma medications don't know all of the steps involved for their proper use, new research finds. Using inhalers improperly often means a child receives too little medication, which can lead to continuing symptoms or worsening asthma, the study authors noted. "Of the 10 steps for accurate technique, we were surprised to learn that only one out of 169 caregivers knew all 10 ...

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Sausage, Dried Cranberry and Apple Stuffing

November 1, 2013

Ingredients 1 pound mild bulk breakfast sausage 4 tablespoons butter 3 cups sliced leeks, white and pale green parts only, cleaned well (about 2 large leeks) 2 Granny Smith apples, cored and chopped 1 cup chopped celery with leaves 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning 1 cup dried cranberries, rehydrated in boiling water for 15 minutes and drained 1 tablespoon chopped fresh sage leaves 2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary 6 cups boxed bread cubes (croutons) 1/3 ...

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Candy or medicine: Can you tell the difference?

October 31, 2013

Published October 31, 2013 Prescription use among Americans is up, and it may be contributing to the increase of unintentional drug poisonings of children at home. “I think that the medications are more available to children, meaning we are not putting them away like we used to,” said Dr. Michael Lanigan, emergency room physician at SUNY Downstate in Bay Ridge, N.Y. “And while there are child-proof lids, it's easier for kids ...

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Ways to Relieve Sinus Pain

October 30, 2013

A cold makes it hard to breathe. When your sinuses get blocked, you might hurt too, especially around your forehead, eyes, cheeks, and nose. The pain might get worse when you touch your face or hold your head down. You don't need a doctor to deal with sinus pain caused by colds. It tends to get better along with your other cold symptoms. Sometimes, though, bacteria in blocked sinuses can lead to an infection ...

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Patient News!

October 28, 2013

Since I was little, I felt God leading me to places I have never been before. When I was 11 I took my first missions trip to the poorest third world country, at the time, Haiti. I went and God sealed my heart with compassion and a fiery hunger for The Nations of the earth to hear the Gospel. About ten years have passed since then, but the same hunger has remained, and even grown ...

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Stay warm all season with dozens of soups from Food Network Magazine.

October 25, 2013

1. Basic Chicken Chop 1 onion, 1 celery stalk, 2 carrots and 1 tablespoon thyme; sauté in butter until tender. Season with salt and pepper. Add 6 cups chicken broth; simmer 20 minutes. Add 2 cups shredded cooked chicken, 1/3 cup mixed chopped dill and parsley, and some lemon juice. 2. Chicken Rice Make Basic Chicken Soup (No. 1); omit dill and add chives, chervil and tarragon. Stir in 1/3 cup cooked basmati ...

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Ask Well: Does Boiling or Baking Vegetables Destroy Their Vitamins?

October 24, 2013

Q: To what extent does heating (boiling, baking) foods like vegetables destroy vitamins? A: It’s true that cooking methods alter the nutritional composition of fruits and vegetables, but that’s not always a bad thing. Several studies have shown that while cooking can degrade some nutrients, it can enhance the availability of others. As a result, no single cooking or preparation method is best, and that includes eating vegetables raw. Many people believe that ...

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5 foods you should eat this fall

October 23, 2013

Editor's note: Keri Gans is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, media personality, author of "The Small Change Diet" and spokeswoman for Aetna's "What's Your Healthy?" campaign. (CNN) -- Your mom probably never gave you better advice than when she said, "Eat your fruits and veggies." But eating healthy may seem harder come fall, when favorite produce options dwindle and less familiar ones appear. Never fear. Now that warm months are gone -- and with them ...

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