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'Body on a chip' uses 3D printed organs to test vaccines

September 18, 2013

By Joe Miller BBC News The 3D printer that will be used to print miniature organs for the 'body on a chip' system Miniature human organs developed with a modified 3D printer are being used to test new vaccines in a lab in the US. The "body on a chip" project replicates human cells to print structures which mimic the functions of the heart, liver, lung and blood vessels. The organs are then placed on ...

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'Body on a chip' uses 3D printed organs to test vaccines

September 18, 2013

By Joe Miller BBC News The 3D printer that will be used to print miniature organs for the 'body on a chip' system Miniature human organs developed with a modified 3D printer are being used to test new vaccines in a lab in the US. The "body on a chip" project replicates human cells to print structures which mimic the functions of the heart, liver, lung and blood vessels. The organs are then placed on ...

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3 Meditation Techniques for Beginners

September 17, 2013

Find your focus. These exercises work for just about everyone at anytime, anywhere By Laura McMullen Gold stars to those who can make it through this article without wondering about dinner or unattended emails, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or scanning half a page before realizing you have no idea what the heck you just read. Amit Sood, author of the upcoming book "The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living," calls this autopilot daze, in which ...

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9 ways to eliminate sugar cravings

September 12, 2013

By Jacqueline Silvestri Banks According to the American Heart Association, the average American consumes approximately 16 teaspoons more added sugar than is recommended per day. Sugar stimulates the brain to release serotonin, the “feel good” chemical, which provides a natural high. The endorphins released after eating sugar calm and relax us, leaving us wanting more. Eliminating a sugar addiction can be difficult, but following these steps can greatly reduce cravings and make it easier to ...

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Myths Surround Breakfast and Weight

September 10, 2013

By ANAHAD O'CONNOR article found in the New York Times Americans have long been told that routinely eating breakfast is a simple habit that helps prevent weight gain. Skipping breakfast, the thinking goes, increases hunger throughout the day, making people overeat and seek out snacks to compensate for missing that first – and some would say most important – meal of the day. “Eating a healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day,” according ...

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6 Benefits of Running

September 5, 2013

By Jacquie Cattanach | For Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but did you know that it can benefit almost every part of your body, as well as lift your mood? Running is incredibly effective at making you healthier in a number of ways. While it may not be everybody's favorite form of exercise, knowing what it can do for your life just may make you look ...

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7 Protein-Packed School Lunch Ideas

August 29, 2013

Doctors Express Cherry Creek encourages you to keep your kids healthy at all times. The school year has begun and here is an article on how to keep your kids lunches filling and nutrious. By Mitzi Dulan Send your kids back to school with protein-packed school lunches. This is also a great opportunity to teach your kids why protein is important for them and explain which foods in their lunch are the best sources. Protein ...

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U.S. Schools Show Progress in Healthy Behaviors, CDC Says

August 28, 2013

Aug. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Schools across America are showing progress in key areas related to health, including nutrition, physical education and smoking, federal health officials reported Monday. The results of a 2012 comprehensive survey of school health policies showed some encouraging trends, according to the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Schools play a critical role in the health and well-being of our youth," CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden said ...

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8 Energy Boosting Foods

August 28, 2013

Lemon water The simplest way to get a boost, ever! Adding lemon to water transforms regular H20 into a natural energy drink that is packed with electrolytes, which are critical for cells to produce energy. Hydration in general is key for a mood boost; a 2012 study found that women who were mildly dehydrated reported feeling fatigued. Fresh fruit The natural sugar in fruit provides a quick pick-me-up when you're dragging and helps keep ...

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Brain scans may help diagnose dyslexia

August 27, 2013

Differences in a key language structure can be seen even before children start learning to read. Anne Trafton, MIT News Office About 10 percent of the U.S. population suffers from dyslexia, a condition that makes learning to read difficult. Dyslexia is usually diagnosed around second grade, but the results of a new study from MIT could help identify those children before they even begin reading, so they can be given extra help earlier. The ...

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