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Green smoothies: Full of health benefits or hype?

August 27, 2013

Article by Cathy Payne, USA TODAY The drinks have nutrients, but people should be careful about what they add, experts say. If you don't like eating your vegetables, you can join the growing number of those who are drinking them instead. Slurping smoothies made with raw, leafy green vegetables has become more popular as books and blogs about this health trend sprout up. Green smoothies are good sources of minerals and vitamins. But people ...

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Kids and Sports Concussions

August 26, 2013

Learn how to prevent and deal with concussions in young athletes. By Krisha McCoy, MS Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines, MD A concussion, particularly common in kids who participate in sports, is a brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head. Even when they seem mild, concussions can be serious. It is therefore important to know how to recognize the signs of a concussion and take the necessary steps to seek treatment ...

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20 Exercise Tips

August 26, 2013

Article by Havard School of Public Health Try these ideas for fitting more activity into your day—and for getting more out of your daily activities. 1. Choose activities you like. A lot of different things count as exercise: dancing, walking, gardening, yoga, cycling, playing basketball. To make it easier to get moving, choose whatever gets you moving. Also, choose an activity that fits your self-identity. Do you see yourself wearing attractive clothes and bicycling ...

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Coffee and Tea May Contribute to a Healthy Liver

August 23, 2013

Article by Science Daily   An international team of researchers led by Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Duke-NUS) and the Duke University School of Medicine suggest that increased caffeine intake may reduce fatty liver in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Worldwide, 70 percent of people diagnosed with diabetes and obesity have NAFLD, the major cause of fatty liver not due to excessive alcohol consumption. It is estimated that 30 percent of adults in the United ...

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5 Ways Technology Is Transforming Health Care

August 23, 2013

By Ellen Lee The IBM computer that won a game of “Jeopardy” more than a year ago could soon be part of a patient’s medical team. That’s just one of the dizzying number of ways technology could transform the health care industry. From leveraging big data to tapping into social networking, the same industry that introduced Facebook and Angry Birds is now turning its attention to how technology can be applied to keep ...

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Back To School Tips

August 22, 2013

The school year is about to start Depending where you live, or has already begun. Our experts would like to help lighten the load from parents. Doctors Express Cherry Creek physician, Dr. Mark Siemer says a great place to start is easing the burden in those heavy backpacks kids often lug around. Check backpack weight – ideal weight is no more than 10 percent of total body weight. Example – a 100-pound teen would carry 10 pounds ...

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Tips For Improving Memory

August 21, 2013

By Dr. Mark Siemer, MD -Attend to ONE task at a time and avoid external distractions. -Simplify information and remember them one-by-one, or one step at a time; like making cookies. -Categorize information. Like shopping in the produce section; what do I need from this part of the store? -Rehearse and practice repeatedly. Set a time every day, like you would for exercise. This is my time to get to work on my memory…..cross ...

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Methods for Fighting Stress.

August 20, 2013

Yoga: Fight stress and find serenity Is yoga right for you? It is if you want to fight stress, get fit and stay healthy. By Mayo Clinic staff Your mobile phone is ringing, your boss wants to talk to you and your partner wants to know what's for dinner. Stress and anxiety are everywhere. If they're getting the best of you, you might want to hit the mat and give yoga a try ...

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Stress Management

August 20, 2013

Chronic stress puts your health at risk Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your mind and body. Take steps to control your stress. By Mayo Clinic staff Your body is hard-wired to react to stress in ways meant to protect you against threats from predators and other aggressors. Such threats are rare today, but that doesn't mean that life is free of stress. On the contrary, you undoubtedly face multiple demands each day, such ...

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What's Cheaper: Urgent Care or ER?

March 1, 2013

Can an urgent patient care center not accepting insurance be cheaper than a hospital emergency room? I found out an urgent care center actually costs less than an office co pay after insurance reimbursement. Recently, on a 15 degree winter morning, in the midst of rushing from one errand to another, my finger caught into the heavy car door and snapped. With both cost and waiting time in mind, I had to make a quick ...

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