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4 Reasons You Should Be Getting Tested for STDs Regularly

February 17, 2017

std testing centersNobody likes to think about STDs. Whether it's transmitting them, having them, or getting tested for them, it seems to be a subject that many people try their hardest to avoid. The reality is that STDs are out there whether you talk about them or not, and it's important to get tested for them.

STD testing centers make these examinations quick and easy and even offer anonymous STD testing. It might be uncomfortable to talk about, but the possibility of having an STD and not knowing is even worse. Here are four important reasons why you need to invest in regular STD testing.

  1. To Protect Your Health
    Just like regular visits to your primary care physician can help prevent common health issues, regular STD testing can prevent sexual health issues. Your sexual organs are important parts of your body! If you don't practice the same preventative care there that you do on the rest of your body, you're putting your health at risk.
  2. STDs Are Treatable
    And in some cases, curable. The sooner you visit STD testing centers and have the procedures done, the sooner you can receive treatment if your results are positive. And remember: not all medical visits include STD testing, so make sure you ask your doctor to perform the tests.
  3. STDs Often Don't Have Visible Symptoms
    More often than not, you can't tell if you have an STD just by looking into the mirror. In fact, 75-90% of women who have chlamydia have zero symptoms. The only way you can be certain you don't have an STD is to be tested regularly.
  4. STD Testing Procedures Are Quick and Simple
    It's not a huge production to get tested for STDs. Some exams require a small amount of blood and others require a simple urine sample or oral swab. Wait times at the ER have increased from 46.5 minutes to 58.1 minutes, but some at home STD testing kits can yield results in as little as 20 minutes.

Getting tested for an STD might seem scary, but the truth is that it's one of the best ways to keep your sexual health in check. Don't underestimate the importance of STD testing!


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