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Three Reasons You Need to Get Tested For STDs

March 28, 2014

std testing clinicsDid you know that there are 65 million Americans living with STDs, with 19.7 million new STDs occurring every year. This means that one in every four Americans has an STD.

Even if you use the necessary protection, there's still a risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. Not convinced by this urgency? Here are a few more reasons you need to find your STD testing clinics for regular checkups.

1. You May Already Have One. 
According to, most young people with STDs don't even realize that have one, which means you may have infected your last partner, or have been infected by your last partner, without even knowing it. What's more, the CDC cites that young people between ages 15 and 24 are actually four times more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia or gonorrhea.

2. It's Inexpensive. 
If you're worried about cost, then relax. There are tons of low cost urgent care facilities around, and you may also be near some free STD testing centers as well. These STD testing clinics are discreet places, with fast turnaround times, that will get you the peace of mind you need. If the tests do come back positive, STD testing clinics will also be able to give you the appropriate treatments.

3. Because Your STD Might Worsen. 
Even if you're asymptomatic, your STD can worsen over time and cause some serious health complications. Genital Herpes, if left unattended, can result in a lifetime of recurring sores. Late-stage syphilis can lead to dementia, and is actually what killed famous mobster Al Capone. STD testing clinics' researchers are still learning of the ways that untreated diseases can lead to future health problems.

If you have any questions about STD testing clinics and the importance of getting tested, feel free to ask in the comments.


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