What's The Fastest Way To Treat Laryngitis?

February 3, 2024

Laryngitis is a common and irritating condition that can significantly affect your voice and ability to communicate. Treating laryngitis requires a combination of rest, hydration, and soothing remedies. By taking care of your voice and following the self-care measures outlined in this blog, you’ll be able to speed up the healing process and get back to your daily life in no time.

For a same-day laryngitis diagnosis and treatment plan, visit the walk-in clinic or schedule a telemed visit at AFC Urgent Care Denver Highlands. Our urgent care center is open seven days a week and treats patients of all ages with no appointment required– just walk-in! If you’d like to plan your visit in advance, pre-register below.

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Causes and Symptoms Laryngitis

First, it’s important to understand what laryngitis is. Laryngitis occurs when the voice box (larynx) becomes inflamed, leading to hoarseness or complete loss of voice. This inflammation can be caused by various factors, including viral infections, bacterial infections, vocal strain, or exposure to irritants like smoke or allergens.

Common signs and symptoms of laryngitis include:

  • Raspy, strained voice
  • Vocal changes
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Tickling sensation
  • Mild fever

How To Quickly Treat Laryngitis

There are several remedies that can help swiftly aid in the recovery process for laryngitis. One of the most important aspects of treatment is to rest your voice. Avoid speaking loudly or excessively to allow your vocal cords time to heal. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Hydration helps to lubricate your vocal cords, easing discomfort and promoting healing. You can also use a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air, as dry air can exacerbate laryngitis symptoms.

Some individuals find relief by inhaling steam or gargling salt water to reduce swelling. Additionally, you can take over-the-counter remedies like throat lozenges or pain relievers to provide temporary relief from your symptoms. It’s important to consult a healthcare provider if you have any concerns or underlying medical conditions.

When To Seek Medical Attention

Knowing when to seek medical attention for laryngitis is crucial to ensure proper treatment and prevent potential complications. While most cases of laryngitis resolve on their own with the self-care measures listed above, there are instances where medical intervention is necessary. If your laryngitis symptoms persist for more than two weeks despite home remedies and vocal rest, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. Persistent hoarseness or voice changes could indicate an underlying condition that requires further evaluation. Additional concerning signs that warrant medical attention include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, high fever, or coughing up blood.

Get Same-Day Care at AFC Urgent Care Denver Highlands

At AFC Urgent Care Denver Highlands, your health is our top priority. When seeking medical attention for laryngitis, we can conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include a physical exam, medical history review, and diagnostic tests to aid in the diagnosis. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and promote a faster recovery. Don’t ignore your symptoms– come visit us any day of the week to start recovering in the right hands. Our facility accepts most health insurance plans and offers cost-effective options for self-paying patients. If you have any additional questions about laryngitis symptoms or treatment, please contact our medical office directly at (303) 477-6000.

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