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Cough VS Sore Throat: What Do I Have?

February 24, 2023

Coughs and sore throats often go hand in hand, but not always. Identifying what symptom you’re experiencing will make it much easier to diagnose the cause. If you feel throat pain and discomfort when swallowing or talking, that’s a sore throat. If you have a persistent urge to cough, you have a cough. Now, let’s consider what could be causing your sore throat or cough!

Causes of a Sore Throat

A sore throat can have a variety of causes including:

  • The common cold
  • Covid-19
  • The flu
  • Strep throat
  • Tonsillitis
  • Sinus drainage from allergies
  • Laryngitis 
  • Irritation from smoke
  • Acid reflux

A sore throat is commonly the first side effect of a viral illness like the cold or flu. If you feel a sore throat coming on, stay in-tune with your body to identify other new symptoms as they arise.

Causes of a Cough

A cough can be caused by many of the same things as a sore throat. Causes of your cough could be:

  • The common old
  • Covid-19
  • The flu
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis or other upper respiratory infection
  • Pneumonia 

If you have a cough, identify if it’s dry or productive. This will be one of the first things your healthcare provider asks too. A productive cough is a wet cough that produces phlegm or mucus. If you have a wet cough producing green colored phlegm, you may be suffering from a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics. A dry cough is dry, producing no secretions.

Treating Your Sore Throat or Cough

A sore throat and cough are treated in similar ways. Begin with rest and drinking plenty of warm fluids. Add honey and lemon to your beverage for additional soothing effects. Using a humidifier helps moisten the air and limit irritation. Avoid all smoke, including secondhand. Over the counter cough medications can soothe a cough while lozenges, throat sprays, and cough drops, can help soothe a sore throat.

If your symptoms persist or continue to get worse, visit a nearby urgent care center! They can help accurately diagnose the cause of your cough or sore throat, then discuss treatment options. Curing your sore throat or cough is a lot easier when you know what you’re battling!

An urgent care center can also administer your 2022 flu shot, covid-19 boosters, and testing. Stop in today to get protected before peak flu season affects your area!


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