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What to do when experiencing sinus pain

February 27, 2019

Sinus pain can be very discomforting, and even painful, if patients don’t try to get the proper treatment or manage their symptoms. The Mayo Clinic explains that sinus pain is when a person experiences mild to moderate headache-like pain due to a sinus infection. A sinus infection, known as sinusitis, causes sinus pain as do migraines and frequent headaches. While most people confuse sinus pain with headaches or migraines, chronic sinusitis can lead to ...

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How you can boost your immune system to stay as healthy as possible

February 27, 2019

Staying healthy throughout the year can be tricky when multiple infectious diseases can end up lowering your productivity, keep you bed-ridden, and even lead to more serious healthcare issues. Most people believe that keeping your immune system active and as healthy as possible is only important during the fall and winter. This is because these seasons are the peak of flu season, which causes more individuals to focus on immunity. But building a healthy immune ...

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When should Sexually Active Adults get STD or STI screenings? When to visit AFC Urgent Care Denver for Screenings?

February 19, 2019

For sexually active adults and teenagers, the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), sexually transmitted infection (STI), or venereal disease (VD) is fairly high. The American Sexual Health Association estimates that one in two sexually active persons will contract an STI by age 25. Additionally, the CDC estimates that over 20 million new STIs are contracted each year from individuals between the ages of 15 and 25. However, some adults may associate an ...

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Hey Denver Residents: Here’s How to Treat and Manage Cold and Sore Throat Symptoms

February 19, 2019

If you haven’t heard already, flu season has made a drastic impact on local communities and has reached epidemic status across the U.S. Tens of thousands of individuals have been hospitalized and flu cases continue to spike in other parts of the country. However, another extremely contagious disease runs alongside influenza: the common cold. After transmission through a rhinovirus, the common cold can lead to sore throat, respiratory infections, and extreme discomfort if ...

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Minor Injuries? Flu Contagion? Preventive Care Needs? Here’s How AFC Denver Speer Can Help:

February 13, 2019

Flu season is upon us, and the peak of it may be just around the corner in the Denver Speer neighborhood. As discussed in our previous blog, the flu tends to peak around January or February as flu infections spike in local communities. A community may not be impacted by the flu for several months until a sudden epidemic happens. Influenza is considered a national epidemic each year according to the Centers for Disease Control ...

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How Long does the Flu Last During Peak Flu Season? Tips for maintaining health during extended flu seasons:

February 12, 2019

Did you know that flu season can last for nearly six months depending on how viral the disease becomes According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), influenza begins to spread rapidly from the start of October and can last throughout the spring into May. February tends to be the month when influenza tends to peak in a given year as more cases of infected patients continue to grow. Influenza infections tend to fluctuate, but ...

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When should a patient choose urgent care over the emergency room?

February 5, 2019

Illnesses and injuries happen unexpectedly in life. One moment everything is fine and then the next you experience a painful injury or a debilitating disease. If this happens, then you’ll need to make a critical decision: to choose urgent care or an emergency room (ER) for care. While most patients assume that they’ll need an ER for all sudden or unexpected medical situations, it helps an individual to know the key differences between ...

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Heart Health Management Tips for American Heart Month!

February 5, 2019

The start of February kicks off American Heart Month where healthcare organization, community groups, and similar groups try to spread awareness about the importance of heart health and prevent heart disease. Heart disease is extremely common among U.S adults, and some of the statistics about national rates of heart disease are troubling. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 1 in 4 deaths in the U.S each year are caused ...

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