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Could COVID-19 Cases Spike in Fall 2020?

August 24, 2020

Since COVID-19 began to spread in the US there has been talk about the spikes in the number of cases. These spikes are often referred to as hotspots or waves of the virus. Fall and winter are typically seasons that see a higher number of illnesses like the cold and flu. That common knowledge has led many people to wonder if COVID-19 will spike in the fall just like the common flu virus does. There ...

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How to Prepare for COVID-19 and Back-to-School Care

August 15, 2020

Back-to-school time is just around the corner and the risk of flu season, COVID-19, and other seasonal health risks make for a tricky 2020 school year. Active prevention, frequent healthcare visits, and updating your child's immunizations are key to maintaining a healthy school year for your child or children. At AFC Urgent Care Denver, our team is ready to provide COVID-19 rapid tests to quickly identify your child's infection risk, vaccinations of all ...

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Are You Ready to go Back to Work?

August 10, 2020

When COVID-19 numbers began to rise, many employers started to lay off employees or ask that they work remotely from home. While COVID-19 cases are still on the rise across the country, employers are starting to send many of those employees back to work full-time. While it’s likely a relief to get back to work, are you really ready to return to the workplace? Is it Safe to Return to Work? After being told ...

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Do we need a vaccine to get rid of COVID-19?

August 5, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has surged in the last month with national totals now close to eclipsing 5 million positive COVID-19 cases. Social distancing, frequent COVID-19 testing, and access to rapid COVID-19 tests help track and evaluate a community's risk for widespread infections. But many patients are hopeful for a vaccine as they eagerly await for a new development towards the "new normal." But a vaccine may not be enough to completely rid ourselves of ...

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