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Are You Ready To Go Back To Work?

June 13, 2021

In spite of being hit by COVID-19, most workers who are recovering resume full-time hourly work quickly. Organizations are suffering from the severe effects of the pandemic on their economies. However, an employee's return to full-time work without proper sanction and procedure can lead to many risks for the worker's health. Additionally, it could lead to the further spread of the virus if adequate testing and procedures are not followed. For this reason ...

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How To Kick-Start A Health-Focused Fitness Routine

June 13, 2021

Improving one’s fitness has always been a challenging thing to do. It might be tough to achieve a health-focused fitness routine because of the stress associated with it. Typical workout routines can include a mix of moderate exercise and vigorous exercises, such as aerobic exercise, strength training, core exercise, balance training, etc. Circumstances may demand healthy training or a desire to increase your fitness. Unfortunately, you might not know how to go about it ...

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