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What’s Causing My Sore Throat? COVID-19 Or Strep Throat?

January 28, 2022

  That sore, dry, sandpaper-like feeling in the back of your throat can be the first sign of cold, flu COVID-19, or even strep throat. Sore throat,  also known as Pharyngitis,  is a condition marked by pain in the throat, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It’s very common in the colder months and now more than ever it can be confusing as to what’s causing your sore throat. With COVID-19 making ...

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What’s The Differences Between The Rapid COVID-19 Test and The Molecular Test?

January 7, 2022

  Are you worried you might have been exposed to someone that has COVID-19 over the holidays? The Omicron variant has made its way across Connecticut and we have seen a huge uptick in cases over the past two months.  AFC Urgent Care Danbury is providing COVID-19 testing in order to ensure that patients that are at risk for COVID-19 are able to get an accurate and efficient diagnosis without a hassle. At this time we ...

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Christmas 2021 Guide To Celebrating The Holidays COVID-19 Free

December 2, 2021

We hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving because before you know it, we’ll be in 2022. December is going to go by quickly and a lot of us are exhausted from the rollercoaster ride of 2021. 2021 was filled with good moments and bad ones. New testing options for COVID-19 and finally a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus were all plusses. But, we also had some bad moments: a resurgence in COVID-19 cases from ...

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Understanding The Different Types Of Diabetes And How To Prevent Them

November 2, 2021

Did you know that there are more than one type of diabetes? There are, in fact 3 major types: Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes And Gestational Diabetes Some even call ‘prediabetes’ the 4th type of diabetes because so many people don’t even know they’re borderline diabetic. Each type has different causes, but they all come with other health complications if not managed. This is why this National Diabetes Awareness month it’s ...

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Flu Season And COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated for Both?

October 4, 2021

We’re approaching flu season, and guess what? It’s time for your annual flu shot! Schools are now in session and kids are the most common germ spreaders. People are also still traveling and the COVID-19 Delta variant and other variants have snuck into Connecticut. As symptoms for both viruses often overlap, you don’t want to blow off a flu shot this year. It can be hard to diagnose and treat if you ...

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Back To School Health Checklist: Getting Your Child A Physical

August 16, 2021

August is notorious for “Back-to-school” everything! Think you got everything on the list for your kid? Don’t forget to add “get them a physical”, right at the top of your checklist!   Going back to school in-person means going back to the doctor. This is not like last year where kids didn’t have to worry about rolling out of bed for school. In-person classes mean more germs and the likelihood of your child being ...

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Travel Vaccine Checklist for Summer 2021

August 5, 2021

Summer break is here! The kids are home, and it’s time to take a long awaited break from COVID-19. Traveling is well-established as being both spiritually and emotionally healthy. However, between flying in a congested airplane and encountering a near-infinite number of foreign bacteria, traveling can be unhealthy if you’re not fully prepared. In order to ensure that your body is safe enough to combat the health risks associated with international and domestic ...

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