First Aid Basics for Sports Injury Treatment

April 26, 2022

The spring season is here which means that sports injuries are likely to pop up during school sports programs and other recreational physical exercise. Parents and children alike may experience sudden and minor sports injuries during these activities, which may require a prompt non-emergency, urgent care medical visit.

Before a patient visits an urgent care center for sports injury treatment it helps to understand basic first aid skills for injuries. Responsive first aid can alleviate pain and stabilize injuries from getting worse. Here is a breakdown of the basic first aid skills parents and families can apply to moderate sports injuries:

Have an emergency kit/first aid available

During sports, it helps to know where a first aid kit is available to prepare for sudden injuries. Parents may want to bring a first aid kit as well to ensure that one is at a field or indoor recreational facility.

Make sure that a first aid kit is equipped with the following materials in order to ensure that you have everything to address injuries:

  1. Splints
  2. Bandages
  3. Gauze
  4. Safety Pins
  5. Antibiotic Ointment
  6. Alcohol Wipes
  7. Hand sanitizer 
  8. Antiseptic solution

Treat sprains and bruises using the R.I.C.E technique

When an athlete sprains their muscles or limbs, or experiences significant bruising and internal pain, it helps to use the R.I.C.E method for treating injuries. RICE is a simple acronym to help first aid givers understand how to treat a sudden sprain or pain:

R: Rest the injury as best as you can until pain decreases

I: Ice the injury in a cold compress or towel for 20 minutes or until you can find an urgent care provider for sprain treatment.

C: Compress the injury with a bandage or splint until an experienced medical provider can begin treatment

E: Elevate the injured area as best as you can until you visit an urgent care center

Treat minor cuts and lacerations with these simple and effective first aid skills

Cuts and minor lacerations may also happen on the field or during sporting events as well. Make sure that you take the time to treat wounds carefully by disinfecting and washing your hands before treating any wounds. Then, gently apply pressure with a clean bandage to help reduce the bleeding.

After the bandage is applied, wait until the bleeding is under control to apply antiseptic or antibiotic ointment to reduce the risk of infection.

Whenever you experience a sudden sports injury treatment it helps to visit a nearby urgent care center today. AFC Urgent Care East Hanover offers sports injury treatment for a variety of injuries without the need for an emergency room. Just call or book today!

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