How Long Does a Cold Last For?

April 30, 2021

Don't you just love the chill in the air that is fall? The season comes with so many benefits, such as leaves turning, apple-picking and bonfires galore! Unfortunately, though, fall also brings with it the cold and flu season. That's why our team at AFC Urgent Care East Meadow wants to give you some insight into the pesky common cold. What Causes the Common Cold? The common cold is a virus that infects ...

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Why Am I Not Able to Sleep at Night?

April 30, 2021

In order for us to be our most productive selves, we need our sleep. Since our to-do list on a daily basis can seem never-ending, we try our best to find more hours in the day. Therefore, cutting sleep is usually how we find more time in the day to get what we need done. However, by losing sleep, we are hurting ourselves more than helping ourselves. Our AFC Urgent Care East Meadow wants you ...

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What Are the Biggest Misconceptions About the Flu?

April 30, 2021

If you were to ask a room full of people if anyone wanted to get the flu this season, it would be shocking if one hand went up. However, if you ask the same people who is not getting a flu shot, you will probably see a few hands go up—but why? Well, a lot of it has to do with some myths about the flu and the flu shot. Our team at AFC ...

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What Is Causing My Fatigue?

April 30, 2021

It can be easy to blame lack of sleep as the reason for being tired all the time. And sometimes, that is the cause of fatigue. However, your fatigue could also be related to your eating habits. Our team at AFC Urgent Care East Meadow wants you to know how you can avoid fatigue by eating a well-balanced diet and ditching the wrong foods. How Does Diet Affect Our Mood? You hear all the time ...

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What If I Get Stung?

April 30, 2021

It never fails. You are outside having a wonderful time. Then, all of a sudden, you get stung out of nowhere! Our AFC Urgent Care East Meadow wants to make sure you prevent insect bites and stings as much as possible with these tips! When Does a Bug Bite Need Medical Attention? This one's an easy one! If you have a bite or sting that's concerning you, stop by to have it checked ...

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What Are the Main Causes of Stress?

April 29, 2021

Stress can happen to anyone at any time. While we cannot control what happens to us, we can take control of how we react, especially when it can hurt our health. Our AFC Urgent Care East Meadow team wants you to know how stress can affect your health as well as ways you can manage stress effectively. How Can Stress Affect Your Health? Stress can cause more than just a bad mood. When you're ...

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How Do You Cure Strep Throat?

April 29, 2021

You might have already heard about a couple of cases of strep throat going around the East Meadow area. While this time of year is mostly known as flu season, it can also be recognized as strep throat season, too! Our team at AFC Urgent Care East Meadow wants you to know the symptoms to look for when it comes to strep throat, as well as how you can treat strep throat quickly so you ...

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How Can My Child Benefit From Playing Sports?

April 28, 2021

Whether you were an athlete as a young child or not, you may be wondering whether it's worth it to enroll your child in a fall sport. Well, in short—participation in sports offers a ton of benefits for kids, including benefits to both health and development. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care East Meadow takes a look at the benefits of sports, as well as ways to keep your young athlete healthy ...

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How Can I Keep My Family Healthy This Summer?

April 27, 2021

When it comes the summer, there are so many things to look forward to. But summer’s intense heat and sun bring about some unique challenges. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care East Meadow offers some tips on how to keep your family safe! Is a Sunburn Dangerous? The short answer—yes. When you suffer a sunburn, you are increasing your risk of skin cancer. In fact, your risk of skin cancer ...

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How Can I Keep My Bladder Healthy?

April 27, 2021

Do you feel as though you are always running to the bathroom? Maybe you feel like you need to urinate, but when you get to the restroom nothing happens. Bladder issues are common among Americans. During Bladder Health Month this November, our team at AFC Urgent Care East Meadow wants to help you understand how you can keep your bladder healthy. What Does the Bladder Do? Urine is made in the kidneys and then travels ...

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