How to Treat a Poison Ivy Rash

June 26, 2024

If you’re someone who enjoys spending time outdoors, it is important to be aware of the risk that poison ivy poses. Poison ivy is a plant that secretes oils which can lead to an allergic reaction. Poison ivy can cause a serious rash that can be very itchy and spread across the body if not treated appropriately. Although poison ivy can be uncomfortable, it usually can be treated at home. However, in some cases ...

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Can Bug Bites Get Infected?

June 26, 2024

The summer months are a great time to spend outdoors. Whether you are just enjoying BBQs with family, time on the beach, or a full hiking trip, it is important to enjoy the warmer months of summer. This being said, there are some drawbacks to being outdoors for longer periods of time when the weather is warm. Bug bites can be an irritating outcome of hanging out and spending time outdoors during the summer. Bug ...

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Why Stretching is Important for Preventing Spring Sports Injuries

May 13, 2024

Spring marks an exciting time of year for anyone who enjoys being active and playing sports. With the weather warming up, spring marks the beginning of the sports season! If you’re someone who plans on participating in sports this spring, whether it is with a developed team or on your own, you may be chomping at the bit to get out there and start. However, it is important not to overlook the importance of ...

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How to Tell If You Were Bit By A Tick

May 13, 2024

Warmer spring weather means that we can start enjoying time outdoors! However, spending more time outdoors brings an increased risk of insect bites. In most cases, insects leave you alone. However, ticks are parasitic insects that want to bite you and can give harmful diseases to you when they do. If you’re spending time outside, it's important to understand the risk of tick bites and know how to identify a tick bite early ...

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Common Spring Allergy Symptoms To Watch Out For

April 30, 2024

People who often deal with allergies dread spring because of the increase of allergens in the air. Spring allergens such as pollens, grass, and trees among others are all common during the spring budding season. Every year, millions of people suffer from seasonal springtime allergy symptoms and find themselves forced to hide indoors to avoid irritating allergy symptom flare-ups.  If you are wondering whether you’re experiencing allergy symptoms keep reading to learn about common ...

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Can Allergies Cause a Fever?

April 30, 2024

During the spring season, millions of people find themselves struggling from seasonal allergy symptoms. During the spring bloom season, allergic reactions can be triggered from the sudden exposure to common allergens like pollen and grasses. This can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms anytime you step outside. If you’re feeling sick, and wondering whether your symptoms are being caused by allergies or an illness, keep reading. If you’re in need of urgent ...

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How to Get Rid of Post-Nasal Drip

March 21, 2024

If you’re recovering from an illness, you may think that you’re in the clear now that the majority of your symptoms have resolved. But if you’re experiencing the familiar tickle in the back of your throat that is causing you to cough, clear your throat or choke on mucus, your illness is still working its way out of your body. If you’re experiencing the tickle of post-nasal drip in the back ...

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Signs Your Child May Have a Contagious Illness

March 14, 2024

Sickness symptoms can make it difficult to go about your daily activities. For young children, their immune systems are less fortified than adults which makes them more susceptible to experiencing severe illness symptoms. Illnesses tend to spread like wildfire in settings like daycares and schools because young children are not as well versed in basic hygiene skills. However, we can also pass our illnesses to our children if we are not careful. Identifying illness symptoms ...

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Are You Contagious While on Antibiotics?

February 2, 2024

If you’re sick, you may require antibiotics to recover. Antibiotics are drugs prescribed to cure bacterial infections. While they can cure bacteria under the right dosage, it can take a while for the medication to fully kill the bacteria and clear the infection. Therefore, additional symptom management may be required for the first few days while taking antibiotics. During this time, you may be wondering if you are still contagious while on medication. This ...

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Can You Be Immune To COVID-19?

February 2, 2024

In 2020, COVID-19 spread rapidly throughout the world. Today, COVID-19 is no longer considered a global pandemic. However, health officials have said that COVID-19 is here to stay. If you have never contracted COVID-19 you may be wondering whether it is possible to be immune to COVID-19. COVID-19 continues to mutate annually which can lead to COVID-19 showing different symptoms than the virus did in 2020. Learn about what COVID-19 looks like in 2024 and ...

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