Strep Throat vs. COVID Symptoms

May 18, 2022

Do you have a sore throat? If yes, you should visit AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth as you may have a more severe condition. Before 2019, strep throat wasn’t a huge problem. The doctor will recommend antibiotics and potentially steroids for swelling. But, after COVID-19, symptoms may be related to the virus. A sore throat is a symptom common with COVID-19, so it’s important to get tested and be aware of the major differences ...

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Symptoms of Sun Poisoning

May 18, 2022

Sun poisoning is a condition caused by severe sunburn. The major cause of sun poisoning is direct and extended exposure to UV rays from the sun. Your skin can’t tolerate continuous exposure to high-intensity sunlight. There are different types of sun poisoning diseases. These types are more severe than mild sunburn and require medical treatment. AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth provides treatment and diagnosis for sunburns and minor sun poisoning. Sun poisoning can become an ...

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