How Do Providers Test for STDs?

February 24, 2022

STDs are all tested differently, and it’s important to get tested regularly for your own health. Some STDs can develop into serious complications, so it’s important to get them taken care of as quickly as possible. Our providers at AFC Elizabeth can prescribe medications to get certain STDs cleared up. Our facility also has an on-site lab, meaning we don’t need to send out samples to get tested, and results come back faster. Get tested for STDs today at AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth.


Viral STDs

Hepatitis B, Herpes, HIV, and HPV are all considered viral STDs. There is currently no cure for any of these conditions, and once you have them, they remain in your system for life. There are vaccines that can prevent someone from catching Hepatitis B and HPV, and medications can be used to manage symptoms of Herpes and HIV.

If left completely untreated, HIV attacks your entire immune system and will develop into AIDS. HPV can develop into cervical cancer for women, and Hepatitis B can cause cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer.

Most of these conditions are asymptomatic and can live undetected in the body for years. That is why testing is the best way to know if you have a condition and to protect yourself and others.


Bacterial STDs

Bacterial Vaginosis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Trichomoniasis are all considered bacterial or fungal STDs. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are the two most common STDs, and patients are tested for them often. BV is not technically classified as an STD, but your chance of developing it increases with the more sexual partners a woman has.

Syphilis is not as often tested for unless the patient is pregnant or considered high risk. It can also become dangerous if left untreated, but symptoms are typically clear.

Most STDs can be asymptomatic, so regular testing is encouraged with new partners. While there are treatments for these conditions, leaving them untreated can lead to serious complications.


Labs & Testing

STD tests come in the form of blood tests, urine tests, or swab tests. For women, all STDs can be tested for with swab tests, excluding Hepatitis B. For men, all STDs will be tested using blood or urine samples. These samples are then analyzed in our on-site lab, and results are found quickly. Some results take a few days, whereas others can come back within 15 minutes.

STD testing isn’t typically included in your annual exam with your primary care physician. Patients will need to ask their physician to be tested, or you can visit our urgent care center. Don’t assume you have been tested for something unless your provider explicitly states it. All STD testing is completely discreet and confidential.

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