Strep Throat vs. COVID Symptoms

May 18, 2022

Do you have a sore throat? If yes, you should visit AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth as you may have a more severe condition. Before 2019, strep throat wasn’t a huge problem. The doctor will recommend antibiotics and potentially steroids for swelling. But, after COVID-19, symptoms may be related to the virus.

A sore throat is a symptom common with COVID-19, so it’s important to get tested and be aware of the major differences. AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth provides testing for both COVID-19 and strep throat. Visit our walk-in center today to get tested and receive prompt results.

Here are a few differences between COVID and strep throat to help you differentiate between symptoms of COVID and strep throat.

Difference Between Strep Throat and COVID-19

Before visiting a doctor, you can identify the symptoms of COVID-19 and strep throat. Strep throat is a bacterial infection that causes a sore in the throat. Meanwhile, COVID-19 is a viral condition. Both conditions cause sore throat in patients. Therefore, it is difficult to identify which disease you have. However, you can check the symptoms to determine the underlying condition of sore throat. 

Symptoms of Strep Throat and COVID Symptoms

If you have a sore throat along with body aches, headache, and a fever, you may have strep throat or COVID-19. However, these conditions also have unique symptoms. You can identify the condition by checking the symptoms. For instance, the following symptoms represent strep throat:

  • Tiny red or white spots inside the mouth
  • Swollen red tonsils
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Tender lymph nodes on the neck

The following symptoms are common with COVID-19:

  • Congestion
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Coughing
  • Loss of taste or smell

You can also identify the condition by checking when you start noticing the symptoms. If the throat soreness is sudden, you may have strep throat. However, if the sore throat is gradual, you have COVID-19.

When Should You Visit the Doctor?

If you notice that the symptoms mentioned above worsen, you should immediately visit the doctor. Also, if you have the following symptoms, you need assistance from a professional and trained doctor:

  • Blue face or lips
  • Trouble breathing
  • Chest pain and pressure
  • Inability to stay awake 


If you are experiencing any illness symptoms, visit AFC Elizabeth to get tested. Only a certified doctor can identify whether you have COVID-19 or strep throat. The doctor will prescribe various tests to identify the underlying condition of sore throat. Wear a mask while experiencing symptoms and avoid close contact with others. 

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