What’s Causing My Seasonal Allergy Symptoms?

March 15, 2023

Spring is right around the corner, meaning seasonal allergies may start to peak for many of us. While seasonal allergies can happen at any point of the year, most people experience symptoms during the spring when exposure to pollen is high. It’s important to be aware of your risk to allergy triggers and seek medical care when necessary. This blog will provide answers to frequently asked questions about spring allergies, like how to avoid your trigger.

For same-day seasonal allergy treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth. Our team of board-certified medical providers specialize in treating acute allergies, seven days a week. Simply walk into the clinic or check-in online to start managing your allergy symptoms today!

Common Symptoms of Spring Allergies

While seasonal allergies are a very common condition, it’s important to be aware of the various symptoms that you could experience. Allergies can be triggered during any season from a variety of irritants. In the spring, the most common symptoms are typically watery, irritated eyes and nasal congestion. Allergy symptoms can vary from person to person, depending on individual health concerns and exposure to triggers.

Common spring allergy symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Itchy & watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Congestion
  • Fatigue

How To Identify and Avoid Your Trigger

When it comes to seasonal allergies, there are several underlying causes that could be triggering your symptoms. In the spring, the most common triggers are pollen and grass, but other triggers include mold, dust, and pet dander. It’s important to identify what’s triggering your symptoms so you can limit your exposure to the allergen that’s problematic to you. At AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth, a medical provider can help you better understand what causes your specific allergies.

Once you successfully determine your trigger, there are steps you can take to avoid it. Prevention measures are essential for managing symptoms. If you’re sensitive to pollen, consider tracking the pollen count in your area and using air conditioning instead of opening your windows when it’s warm outside. Other preventive measures can include regularly washing bedding and clothing, wearing a mask during peak pollen hours, vacuuming carpets, and using an air filter inside your home.

When To Seek Medical Care For Seasonal Allergies

If avoiding your irritant is not possible or not working, there are treatment options available to help alleviate your symptoms. Managing your seasonal allergies can be a three-part process: understanding your symptoms, identifying your trigger, and following a medical treatment regimen. Visiting an urgent care center, like AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth, is a great way to get quick, convenient, and accessible care for your allergy symptoms.

Treatment for seasonal allergies may include over-the-counter medications, prescription ointments or lotions, or immunotherapy. Your specific course of medication can depend on what’s causing your symptoms, so it’s important to work with your provider to determine the best plan for you. Your provider may also offer further supportive advice on how to avoid allergens and stay hydrated and rested.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth For Seasonal Allergy Care

Don’t suffer this allergy season! Determine what’s causing your allergy symptoms with a visit to AFC Urgent Care Elizabeth. Our providers can handle all of your urgent care and diagnostic testing needs. We provide the best treatment and recommendations for care. The clinic is open seven days a week with extended hours. We accept most major health insurances and offer cost-effective care for self-paying patients. For more information about our seasonal allergy treatment, or other services we provide, please call us directly at (908) 677-5900.

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