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Why Telemedicine and Remote Visits Still Benefit Patients

October 8, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the way people do almost everything in their daily lives. While some of those changes have been frustrating to deal with, others are providing important services to those in need easier than ever before. Telemedicine has become the norm during the pandemic, but the benefits expand far beyond slowing the spread of the illness.  Limiting the Exposure to Illnesses  Telemedicine was designed to limit patient and staff exposure to covid-19, but other ...

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Worker Safety Updates for the Fall Season

September 16, 2020

Keeping workers safe has always been a priority, but in 2020 that task has become more challenging than ever. As we approach the fall season, it’s important to reassess your worker’s potential risks and form a plan to help reduce those risks as much as possible. Worker safety varies depending on the type of job, of course, but there are some things that every employer can take to keep their workers safe, no ...

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Are There Different Types of Flu Shots?

September 14, 2020

Flu season is just around the corner and with doctors still battling the covid-19 pandemic, they’re urging people to go get their flu vaccine! Getting vaccinated significantly reduces your risk of contracting and spreading the flu. If you do get the flu, your symptoms should be less severe and last a shorter period of time. Every patient is different and has different needs, so why would there only be one type of flu vaccine ...

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Do I Need a Flu Shot This Fall Even Though COVID-19 is a Bigger Risk?

August 20, 2020

Year after year you see information stressing the importance of getting your flu shot, yet many people fail to get vaccinated. Experts are warning people that getting your flu shot in 2020 is more important than ever before. COVID-19 has been the center of everyone’s attention this year, so why is something like the flu so concerning? Let’s take a closer look to understand how COVID-19 and your flu shot may be related ...

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Employer Checklist for COVID-19 and Return to Work Programs

August 20, 2020

When COVID-19 made its way to the states in March this year, employers had to revolutionize the way their employees worked. Many companies began offering work from home options and utilized video conferencing for face-to-face interaction. Some other workers had to stop working completely when working remotely wasn’t an option for their position. As the months pass it’s become clear that COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere any time soon and workplaces have to ...

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COVID-19 Recreational Guidelines: Parks and Outdoors

August 10, 2020

Before 2020, parents never would have questioned the safety of taking their kid to a park, but COVID-19 has left people with more questions and uncertainty than ever. After months of quarantine and adjusting to the new normal way of life, families are (understandably) starting to go a little stir crazy. Visiting a park is a great way to get out of the house without spending any money, but is it really safe?  Is it ...

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How Long Does COVID-19 Testing Take?

July 22, 2020

The COVID-19 virus is giving birth to various conspiracy theorists. The people come up with various pieces of news about the virus every day. Sometimes you will hear one thing about the test duration, and other times you will hear a completely different thing. It is crucial that you consult a trusted healthcare provider, such as any of our available providers at AFC Urgent Care Fairfield, to get the correct information.  This one misinformation alone ...

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Can I Go Hiking and Enjoy Summertime, Even With COVID-19 Risks?

July 21, 2020

If you have been self-isolating for months, it may feel like the threat of the novel coronavirus will never really go away. Therefore, it is time that you calculate the risk and head out. Humans cannot stay in one place for a long time. At this point, many workers, parents, and families are evaluating mental health, social health, and other factors to determine a safe return to normal activities.  However, take notes as the government ...

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How are Healthcare Providers Evaluating the Coronavirus?

June 16, 2020

At the frontlines of this pandemic are the dedicated healthcare workers who are providing care to COVID-19 patients, all the while aware of the danger that they face while delivering treatment and saving lives. There is no room for healthcare workers to be careless in the administration of their duties, especially the overwhelming burden that COVID-19 has placed on healthcare systems. Public health organizations have established protocols and guidelines for healthcare providers to observe, implement ...

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Where in the U.S is Coronavirus a Potential Risk?

June 15, 2020

The coronavirus is still very active in the U.S and there doesn’t appear to be any end in sight in the immediate future. Some people may be under the misguided impression that the easing of restrictions, like stay at home orders, in states throughout the country indicates that COVID-19 is no longer a threat. That is not the case. At present, there is no vaccine or medicine to prevent the spread of COVID-19 ...

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