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Healthy Travels!

July 14, 2016

Are you planning a fun family trip this summer? Here are some helpful tips to keep your trip and health at its best:

Healthy Travel

Be prepared: It’s always fun to explore a new city or beach resort, but it doesn’t hurt to be familiar with the vacation destination. Researching the locale for restaurants, health centers, and more can help you have a clear plan during your trip. Make sure to pack the essentials, especially if children are included – first aid kits, proper toiletries, clothing and medicines, etc.

Get your vaccinations: For those traveling out of the country, consider getting a vaccination suitable for the country you are visiting. It’s crucial to understand that other countries in the world have different diseases, and we should prepare before we travel with a vaccination. Feel free to reach out to AFC Urgent Care to provide you the travel vaccinations you need! We recommend that you schedule an appointment 4-6 weeks prior to traveling abroad for all necessary travel medicine and vaccinations. The reason for this is because there are some vaccinations that require multiple doses over an extended period of time.

Make plans for healthy choices: Adequate exercise, staying hydrated and enough sleep can not only keep your mind and body in sync with your vacation adventure, but can make your travels more enjoyable.

Traveling with the family is a fun and worthwhile experience, but it’s always handy to keep these tips in mind. For more information on travel safety, visit the travel page for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

For additional information on the types of medications and vaccinations we provide for traveling purposes, you can call us at (203) 583-8400.

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