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The Biggest Health Issues Facing Americans

February 22, 2016

The United States is one of the most diverse nations in the world. As different as we may seem, our health issues can be very similar. Health care trends tend to be pretty consistent across large groups of the population, so it’s important to pay attention when one becomes widespread. AFC Urgent Care in Fairfield can advise you on which conditions should concern you and how to take action to prevent them.

The No. 1 health condition in the U.S. is heart disease. More than a quarter of all deaths annually are a result of heart disease. It is estimated that someone has a heart attack in the U.S. every 43 seconds. To prevent heart disease, doctors recommend routine physical activity, a diet full of fresh produce and limited alcohol consumption.stress

Obesity is a huge health concern in the U.S., and it affects more people each year. Keeping off weight gain is difficult for many Americans, as they lack the time and resources to easily maintain a healthy lifestyle. In fact, many parts of America are referred to as “food deserts,” meaning that more than a third of the population resides an unreasonable distance away from a well-equipped and affordable grocery store, farmer’s market or other healthy food provider. Often, these same communities are also classified as “play deserts,” meaning they don’t have safe spaces for residents to be active outdoors.

A public health issue that has been receiving more attention lately is the impact of stress on mental, physical and emotional health. According to a poll conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, a quarter of Americans say they are under a “high level” of stress. Stress not only contributes to chronic health issues like headaches, muscle pain and sleep problems, but it has also been linked to the worsening of seemingly unrelated health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Experts recommend that people who deal with chronic stress get routine checkups and find effective coping methods.

These are the most common health problems facing the U.S. today. The good news is that preventive care can go a long way in helping people who might be at risk of developing these issues. AFC Urgent Care in Fairfield can take many of these issues and recommend immediate and long-term solutions that will fit your lifestyle, without requiring you to make an appointment.

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