Ankle Sprain vs. Fracture: How To Identify Your Injury

June 25, 2024

The ankle is one of the most important joints in the human body. It is fundamental for walking, running, and standing. Ankles are often subjected to the most consistent pressure as well. The entire weight of the body is often put on the ankles for hours each day. Because of this, ankle injuries are common. One concern patients have is not being able to tell if their ankle is simply sprained or if there is a deeper problem like a break or a fracture. In this blog, we will cover the different types of ankle injuries, their symptoms, and their recovery.

For same-day acute injury treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Farmington. Our facility is equipped with digital x-rays that allow our providers to diagnose an injury within minutes. Simply walk-in or plan your visit in advance by pre-registering below.

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What Is An Ankle Sprain vs. An Ankle Fracture

Sprains happen when there is damage to the ligaments that hold a joint together. At every joint in our bodies, our bones are held together by strong bands of muscle and other tissue. These bands have to be strong enough to hold the bones in place while also flexible enough to facilitate the movement of that joint. Ankle joints are complex as the foot can move both up and down or rotate to a small degree. When these ligaments get damaged due to an injury it can lead to discomfort, difficulty putting weight on the joint, difficulty moving the joint, etc.

While a sprain occurs when the ligaments are damaged, a fracture or a break occurs when the bones in a joint are damaged. A fracture is a small break in the bone where the bone isn’t fully broken into multiple pieces. A break is when the bone is fully separated into multiple pieces.

How Can You Tell The Difference?

A sprain can be painful, but a broken bone or fractured bone tends to have other more serious symptoms. If your ankle is deformed or at a strange angle it is likely caused by a break or a fracture. If there is numbness around the ankle it is more likely related to a break or fracture. And if you are unable to put any weight on the foot or the pain is getting worse or extremely severe it is likely a break or fracture.

Key differences between sprains and fractures include:

  • Pain Severity: Fractures generally cause more intense pain compared to sprains
  • Location of Pain: The pain from a sprain is often concentrated around the ligaments, while fracture pain can radiate along the bone and beyond the ankle
  • Deformity: Visible deformity is more indicative of a fracture
  • Weight Bearing: Fractures often make it impossible to bear weight, while some sprains may still allow for limited weight bearing

Get Ankle Injury Treatment at AFC Urgent Care Farmington

Regardless of the type of injury, the best thing you can do for your health is see a medical professional. A quick visit to an urgent care center can help identify the exact problem and lead to improved treatment and better outcomes. Knowing exactly what is wrong can help prevent further damage and provide important recovery information. Distinguishing between an ankle sprain and fracture involves assessing the severity and location of pain, the ability to bear weight, and any visible signs.

If you or someone you know has injured their ankle, we provide diagnosis and treatment options at AFC Urgent Care Farmington. Seeking medical attention promptly for ankle injuries is essential for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. AFC Urgent Care Farmignton is open seven days a week. If you have any additional questions, contact us directly at (505) 326-6000.

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