Cold and Flu: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

November 1, 2023

As the temperature drops and winter sets in, so does the season of sniffles and coughs. Understanding the nuances between the common cold and the flu is key to navigating through the chilly months unscathed. Let's delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these familiar but formidable foes. For same-day cold and flu treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Farmington!

Cold vs. Flu Symptoms: Decoding the Distinctions

When it comes to differentiating between a cold and the flu, the symptoms tell the tale. While cold symptoms tiptoe in gradually, the flu hits like a metaphorical truck. The severity of symptoms sets the two apart, with the flu having the potential to knock you out. It's crucial to note that while colds are generally unpleasant, they rarely lead to severe complications, unlike the flu, which can be life-threatening for certain demographics.

The distinctions in symptoms can be summarized as follows:



Onset of Symptoms

Abrupt, often within a day

Gradual over 1 to 3 days


Typical, often severe

Sometimes, usually mild




Body Aches



Sore Throat




Typical, often high grade

Rare, usually low grade






Mild to moderate

Stuffy Nose



Chest Discomfort


Mild to moderate




Understanding these differences can aid in timely recognition and appropriate action.

Causes of Cold vs. Flu: Unveiling the Culprits

Both the common cold and the flu share a viral origin, transmitted through airborne droplets and contact with infected secretions. However, the viruses responsible for each differ significantly in their characteristics and impact on the body.

Common Cold

Caused by over 200 respiratory viruses, including rhinoviruses and coronaviruses, the common cold primarily triggers symptoms as a result of the body's inflammatory response rather than direct damage.


The flu, caused by the influenza virus, attaches to receptors in the trachea and bronchi, causing actual damage to respiratory tissues during replication. This explains the severity of flu symptoms and the higher risk of complications.

Treatment and Prevention: Navigating the Cold and Flu Terrain

While there's no magic cure for colds and flu, there are strategies to manage symptoms and speed up recovery.

Common Cold

Rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain relievers are the go-to remedies. Prevention involves standard precautions like frequent handwashing and avoiding close contact with the sick.


Rest and fluids are key for recovery, with antiviral drugs providing relief if administered promptly. The best defense against the flu is an annual vaccination, recommended for everyone over six months old.

Get Walk-in Cold and Flu Treatment at AFC Urgent Care Farmington

This winter, arm yourself with knowledge to tackle the cold and flu season head-on. Remember, if symptoms persist or worsen, seeking professional medical advice is essential. Your health is a priority, and urgent care is ready to assist. Experiencing cold or flu symptoms? Come visit us at AFC Urgent Care Farmington for a full evaluation and treatment plan. We’re open seven days a week, just walk-in!

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